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May 2019 AD

Enemy at the
Poway Chabad Gates

The congregant had come to the synagogue..(to say prayers). He had brought a gun in his tallis (prayer shawl) bag as a precaution.

When the shooting started, according to the source, the congregant handed the gun to an off-duty Border Patrol agent, telling him that he knew better what to do with the gun than the congregant himself.

On so many levels, what is wrong with this picture?

Reminded me of the pivotal moment in the movie, Enemy at the Gate", when Jewish communist propagandist commissar Danilov was trapped with a Russian stranger in a drained fountain with a band of German officers nearby. The Jew picked up a gun and aimed at German officers. Losing his nerve and obviously not trained at all in the use of guns, he hands the gun over to this stranger who then proceeded to drop every single German officer, one by one.  For killing the Jew haters for him, for doing his dirty work for him, this Jew would use his communist propaganda skills to promote Valiy Zaytsev as a hero of the motherland.

Here is yet another fake Jewish hero, violating the gun laws of California, who cannot protect his own people against their enemies, but depends upon a presumably Christian border control officer to protect him from a Christian.

But what about that illegal gun being carried by Jews in LaLa Land?

Why do we have unarmed border control agents and armed Synagogue worshippers?

Sure, a Jew can carry a fully automatic rifle openly in the streets of Tel Aviv, but in the streets of San Diego?  Surely there needs to be drastic repercussions.

Source: Armed Parishioner Gave Gun to Off-duty Border Patrol Agent at Poway Synagogue

A source in the San Diego Jewish community told Breitbart News on Saturday evening that the U.S. Border Patrol agent who chased the shooter at a Poway, California, synagogue earlier was given a gun by an armed parishioner.

The congregant had come to the synagogue to say Yizkor, the memorial prayer for the dead, as is customary on the last day of Passover, which coincided with the Jewish Sabbath. He had brought a gun in his tallis (prayer shawl) bag as a precaution.

When the shooting started, according to the source, the congregant handed the gun to an off-duty Border Patrol agent, telling him that he knew better what to do with the gun than the congregant himself.

The synagogue, Chabad of Poway, has taken many security precautions in the past, given the risk of antisemitic violence, according to the source.

However, in many communities, it is difficult to obtain concealed carry permits.

Last year, during a mass shooting at a bar in Thousand Oaks, California, six off-duty police officers present were unarmed.

The gunman in Poway killed a woman, Lori Gilbert-Kaye, as well as wounding three others, including Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein, who attempted to subdue the shooter.

A Facebook post being circulated widely notes that Gilbert-Kaye jumped in front of the gunman to protect the rabbi, saving his life and sacrificing her own.

The other two wounded individuals, 8-year-old Noya Dayan and her uncle, Alon, were reportedly visiting from the community of Sderot, in Israel — which, ironically, is subject to frequent terrorist attacks by Palestinian rockets from Gaza.

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. He is also the co-author of How Trump Won: The Inside Story of a Revolution, which is available from Regnery. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.

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