January 2017 AD
Why Elie Wiesel
Never Moved to Israel?
Wiesel’s top priority was Israel, but he chose to live in the Diaspora,...
As he said in
his last interview with journalist Nahum Barnea,
he sees himself as a
Jew of the Gola [Exile] and not a Jew of the Geula [Redemption, i.e.
The Jerusalem Post, by Steve Linde
I'm totally confused.
The most Jewish of the Jews has never lived in Israel and the explanation
given was, "I love Israel with all my heart, with all my soul, with all
my mind, always wanting to aliya to Israel, not believing that I never did so -- because -- I don't belong there???"
Give me a friggin break!!!
- The Jews forced the Brits to die by the hundreds of thousands in WW1,
in order to wrestle Palestine away from the Ottoman Empire, just so
Brits could hand it gratis to the Jews.
- The Jews forced the Brits to die by the hundreds of thousands in WW2,
in order to complete the demolition of the Ottoman Empire, so that
the nation of Israel could be founded in 1948.
The Nation of Israel
sold to gullible Christians
"God wants his Chosen People to have their Promised Land".
And now we find Elie Wiesel never in the last 68 years even bothered to move there to live !!!!
He never paid a
visit to anywhere in the world in which he didn’t hear criticism of
Israel, but he himself never uttered a word of criticism against
Yes, I understand that was the point in creating Israel -- so God's
Chosen People could safely live alongside their own special Chosen People in their
own special Promised Land, given to them by God himself, so they would "NEVER AGAIN" be persecuted by us
evil vicious Christians.
Elie Wiesel was the man most responsible for the word Holocaust and yet he
always chose not to live among his fellow Jews; instead, freely choosing to live
with his most violent persecutors - CHRISTIANS !!!
Cry me a Jewish River
For 2,000 years, Jews have been bitching about being in a forced
Diaspora. Crying to everyone about being a poor, lost, persecuted, people of saintly innocence, without a
Today, the Jews proudly have a homeland, hard fought for, and yet, half of all Chosen Jews have chosen not come home.
Why do Jews get to continue to live in all countries as spoiled,
extra-privileged guests, when they now have a place they can call home?
The Jerusalem Post even celebrates this continuing Jewish Diaspora (and
control over all other countries) in a segment of their web site they have titled "Diaspora".
The Christian Solution
The Jerusalem Post
American Jews control a major political party by installing a radical Muslim.
British Jews in control with their own religious accords

American Jews worried they might not control the current President

American Jews deny the same weapons against Israel used against South Africa
Ethiopian Jews actually headed to Israel -- but they are blacks hated in Israel

Azerbaijan Jews in control of Azerbaijan diplomacy

Polish Jews humbling Poland's Cultural Minister
Dutch Jews being given special protection by Dutch police
American Jews censoring American movies

American Jews forcing Congress to censor American students

European Jews in control of Europe with censorship

Australian Jews being led by a pedophile Judaic religious leader
Swiss Jews clamping down on free speech in Switzerland
American Jews celebrating the cultural approbation of Christianity

Our article today. "Why is Romanian/French/US Jew Elie Wiesel is not in Israel?"
English Jews STILL have England under their thumb

Yes, there are still German Jews and they are still in control years after Hitler

Canadian Jews have Canada locked down for Jews

American Jews will not move to Israel, but will raise money for Israel
British Jews have any and all free speech orators locked up in British prison

American Jews intimidating American Christians by calling them foul names
Danish Jews want to retain their right to cut the peepees of their babies

German Jews praising German servitude to Israel
Cuban Jews looking for a fresh start after slaughtering Cuban priests.

Hungarian Jews to take down Hungarian nationalistic beliefs

American Jews keep American companies in line
German Jews are proud of their anti-Hilter in Germany

American Jews still pushing the Holocaust industry, but not the Holodomor
American Jews changing established U.S. law to suit their own Jewish purposes

Chinese Jews are making their presence known to China
American Jews STILL in charge of America's economic heartbeat
Wed, 07 Dec 2016, 05:36 AM
Wiesel’s top priority was Israel, but he chose to live in the Diaspora,
according to historian Dr. Joel Rappel, the curator of the Limmud FSU’s
Elie Wiesel Memorial Exhibition that opened at the Hebrew University of
Jerusalem’s Mandel School for Advanced Studies in the Humanities on
How does one explain
this apparent contradiction in Wiesel, who died in New York on July 2
at the age of 87? “Elie’s top priority was Israel. He always said if
Israel needed him, he would come here immediately. He said if the State
of Israel would not exist, the Jewish nation would not exist,” Rappel
said. “But he thought his role was to be there, not here. As he said in
his last interview with journalist Nahum Barnea, he sees himself as a
Jew of the Gola [Exile] and not a Jew of the Geula [Redemption, i.e.
In an article about
why he didn’t live in Israel, published in the Baltimore Jewish Times,
Rappel recalled, Wiesel wrote: “If someone had told me formerly in my
childhood that in my lifetime, I would see the resurrection of a free
and sovereign Jewish state, I would not have believed it, but if they
had added that a Jewish state would be reborn and I that I wouldn’t
live in it, I would have believed it still less.”
Dr. Joseph
Ciechanover, a former director-general of the Foreign Ministry, member
of the Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity and one of Wiesel’s best
friends, said the doors of everyone from kings to presidents had been
open to Wiesel.
“For Elie, the most
important thing was the security of Israel. He said over and over again
that without the State of Israel, there is no Jewish people, and
without the Jewish people, there is no Israel. And that’s why we must
defend her in every situation, during war and peace. He never paid a
visit to anywhere in the world in which he didn’t hear criticism of
Israel, but he himself never uttered a word of criticism against
He noted that two
prime ministers, Ehud Olmert and Benjamin Netanyahu, had offered him
the presidency of Israel, which he had declined.
“Both times, he
politely replied that the president of Israel must be chosen from among
its citizens, and there are people in Israel worthy of the office. I am
not a citizen of Israel.”
Talmudic scholar Prof.
David Weiss Halivni, 89, said he and Wiesel, whom he called Eliezer,
had studied together in their youth at heder in Sighet, Romania.
“He would sit next to
the window, and look outside, and I saw this as a symbol of his
outlook. I used to sit next to him, and for me, this was a symbol of
our friendship. The Holocaust ended all that, and Sighet was never the
same again.”
Halivni said his son
had visited Sighet four weeks ago, and found fewer than 100 Jews living
in a city that was once home to some 10,000 Jews, two-thirds of them
hassidim. “That’s just a sign of the destruction that befell us,” he
Rabbi Menachem
Hacohen, who was chief rabbi of Romania, recalled accompanying Wiesel
on his trip to his birthplace in 2002, where he received the Star of
Romania Award from president Ion Iliescu.
“There were hardly any
Jews in the whole Sighet area, maybe 60,” Hacohen said. “But they had a
special ceremony in the municipality and later in an old wooden
building that served as the synagogue. Elie stood at the pillar of the
prayer, put his arm around me, closed his eyes and in front of all the
distinguished guests, sang the whole of ‘Ya Ribon Olam,’ in the old
Viznitz melody.”
Sylva Zalmanson, a
former prisoner of Zion who was jailed in 1970 for attempting to hijack
a Soviet plane to Israel with Yosef Mendelevitch and 14 other
refuseniks, said Wiesel’s landmark 1966 book, The Jews of Silence, had
inspired the “Let Our People Go” campaign.
“Without that book,
the world wouldn’t have known what was going on,” she said. “After the
Six Day War, we felt we needed to come out from the underground to
launch a more active campaign. In 1974, Zalmanson was released as part
of an American- Soviet prisoner exchange; she made aliya and advocated
for the release of her husband and other dissidents. “I met Elie Wiesel
only once in the Knesset, and was most impressed by his personality,”
she said.
“I couldn’t understand
how he could have gone through the hell he did, and still smile. He was
a fighter and a believer. Because of people like him, we have a future.
I really believe that.”
Matthew Bronfman,
chairman of the Limmud FSU International Steering Committee, said his
first impression of Wiesel was in 1985, when he stood in front of
president Ronald Reagan and told him not to visit the Bitburg military
cemetery in Germany, where many burial plots were dedicated to the
Waffen-SS. “This, in his quiet, elegant and forceful way, was an act of
courage, and an act of overwhelming humanity. It spoke volumes to me
about a man of convictions and ethics and morals.”
Later, Bronfman said,
he met Wiesel many times, and 17 years ago, traveled with him to the
bar mitzva of his oldest son, Jeremy. “There’s a story in the Torah
that children are supposed to outdo their fathers. It was a big deal,
and I spent hours and hours working on my speech, and on the bus from
the bar mitzva to the dinner Elie looked at me and said, “Matthew, your
speech was wonderful, and your son’s was much better!”
Hebrew University
President Menachem Ben-Sasson said the Mandel School, “which connects
between the mountain [Mount Scopus] and the village below [Jerusalem],”
was the perfect location to memorialize Wiesel’s legacy. “This is the
place to study someone who derives his roots from the past, and takes
on missions in the present in order to serve the future,” Ben-Sasson
“One of Elie’s great
lessons to us was not only to deal with the past or the present, but to
get involved. Indifference, he taught us, was almost tantamount to a
The exhibition traces
Wiesel’s life from a boy in Sighet through surviving the Holocaust in
Auschwitz and Buchenwald, studying in France and moving to the US in
1955, becoming a prominent journalist and writer of almost 60 books,
including his most famous, Night, and winning the Nobel Peace Prize in
1986 for being “a messenger to mankind.”
Tuesday’s event,
organized by Limmud FSU founder Chaim Chesler, was moderated by Prof.
Aviad Hacohen, dean of the Academic Center of Law and Science, and
attended by dozens of dignitaries, including Herman Kahan, 90, who also
grew up with Wiesel in Sighet, also survived the Holocaust, and now
lives in Norway, and Wiesel’s Canadian-born nephew, Dr. Steven Jackson,
a prominent neurosurgeon at the Rabin Medical Center in Petah Tikva.
“Elie Wiesel was the
spiritual father of Limmud FSU a decade ago,” said Chesler. “This
exhibition commemorates his story and life work, and ensures that they
will not be forgotten.”
Article located at:
Last Hope for America
Christian Libertarian: Harmonious Union
Church and State