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November 2016 AD

Jew's Plot and Conspire
Catholic Spring

Starting this off by saying,
  1.   When Judas Hillary gives secret "money laundering" speeches to Wall Street, she is speaking to Jews.
  1.   When Judas Hillary gives lavish "fund raising" dinners in Hollywood, she is speaking to Jews.
  1.  When Judas Hillary negotiates devastating "trade deals" with Main Street, she is talking to Jews.
  1.   When Judas Hillary gives her "public face" talking points to the media, she is speaking to Jews, who are speaking to the rest of Americans.
Let's all agree Jews are deeply entrenched with the Clinton Crime family, to such a degree that even rich conservative Jewish donors are forsaking Trump the Republican candidate and are instead placing their shekels with Judas Hillary.

Let's all agree that, ironically, the Hillary camp is far more pro-Islam than Trump, advocating for millions of Muslims to enter our country, with no objections from Jews who complain that Islam has a seething hatred toward Israel.

Let's all agree that many belonging to the religion of Islam are stuck in a backwards mentality of BRUTAL misogymy toward women, of BRUTAL hatred of other religions, and of wish for a BRUTAL Sharia government upon the people.

And yet, Vatican "Jewish-loving" II Catholics, under "Democrat-certified" progressive Pope Francis, is still considered by Jews and Judas-Christians associating with Jews, to be such a backwards religion, that Jews should foment a Catholic Spring revolution to overthrow the Church authority.

The Vast Judeo-Left Wing Conspiracy

Who says conspiracies do not exist? 

Yes, you are right. -- The very ones who engage in conspiracies say this; the biggest one of which is to say everyone else is engaged in a "vast right-wing conspiracy".

Or a "Vast Right Wing RUSSIAN Conspiracy".

Wikileaks is proving who is really engaged in a RICO-class conspiracy every day.

May we add, that perhaps the real conspiracy is not Russian but Snowden of our own NSA? Still doing America a YUGE favor.

The Democrat candidate for President conspires with the DNC...
* who conspires with the media...
* who conspires with the current administration...
* who conspires with RINOs...
* who conspires with Wall Street...
* who conspires with Main Street...
* who conspires with K Street...
* who conspires with J Street...
* who conspires with Hollywood...
* who conspires with Israel.

In fact, we should have known
there was INDEED an incredibly massive conspiracy
when there was so much coordinated effort made
by all the conspirators working together
to mock and malign people as "conspiracy nuts",
who were those rightfully raising flags
that there was indeed a conspiracy afoot.

Nothing much new under the sun

Today's news is not much different than the news of 500 years ago.
Same battles for the minds of men.

Today, a Jewish propagandist named Sandy Newman, embedded as an adviser to the Hillary Democrat Party has been outed by Wikileaks plotting a "Catholic Spring" reminiscent of the "Arab Spring" where Jewish radicals undermined the leaders of the Middle East, leading to turmoil and chaos which they then exploit.

“There needs to be a Catholic Spring, in which Catholics themselves demand the end of a middle ages dictatorship and the beginning of a little democracy and respect for gender equality in the Catholic Church,” Sandy Newman, president and founder of the progressive nonprofit Voices for Progress, writes to Podesta in an email titled “opening for a Catholic Spring? just musing.”
At least this progressive Jew used the term "Progress". Not hiding anything in his name, but not publicly stating he wants a bloody revolution among Catholics either.

As an aside, Sandy Newman was also head of Project VOTE! from 1982 to 1992, where he registered 2 million low income and minority voters. He  hired community organizer Barack Obama as the Illinois State Director. Guess this is one of his community organizing activities. Given what I know about Jewish motives, my assumption is Sandy feels these voters will vote in the Jewish mode come election day.

Notice, this Jew is not positing that Islam, or the much older Judaism of which he belongs, either has issues with gender equality or has backwards thinking.

John Podesta, a heretical Judas-Catholic, read Sandy Newman's proposal and replied. Said he was already on it.

Indeed, we know know there already are subversive terrorists planted among the Catholic laity.

In response, Podesta assures Newman to rest easy for he and his progressive pals have already created organizations explicitly designed to infiltrate the Catholic Church with progressive ideology, though he cautions that the time may not be right for full revolution — just yet.

“We created Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good to organize for a moment like this. But I think it lacks the leadership to do so now. Likewise Catholics United. Like most Spring movements, I think this one will have to be bottom up,” Podesta writes.

For these named infiltrated groups, by now we should all understand perfectly well that when a liberal Jew describes a word, the exact opposite meaning is to be read and inferred.

Hence "Common Good", "United", and "Alliance", are code words to defeat and destroy the Common Good of the United, Allied, Universal Catholic Church.

In the field of nothing is ever good enough for a Jew, we can suppose this MSM-blessed progressive Pope is still not progressive enough for Jews.  He did not completely change the Church's teachings on abortion, homosexual marriage and complains too much about rich Jewish guys, (although he's too classy to identify them as Jewish.)

Separation of Church and State

This principle enshrined in the Constitution was deliberately written as a one-way street. The government was NOT to embrace any religion NOR was The government to prohibit any religion. 

Religions on the other hand were and are free to do entirely as they please, include advocate for moral leadership -- which is the entire idea of freedom.

Isn't that the preaching we get from the Judeo-MSM against government President Donald Trump wanting to stop Muslims from entering the United States?  Donald, you cannot stop Muslims from coming to America because of the First Amendment.

Not true, as Syrian Muslims in Syria have no constitutional rights in America.  But they play the game of separation anyway.

Of course, our judeo-progressives have it all turned around, when the need arises.

A Catholic Spring is envisioned where The government will overthrown the religious leadership of the Catholic Church.

If any religion needs to be overthrown, it is the Jewish religion in control of government, as that violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.

We are not supposed to have a Jewish government secretly conspiring a Catholic Spring. Or advocating special treatment for Sharia-Israel.

Like we said, there is nothing new under the sun.  But sometimes there is....

The Printing Press Changes Everything

More than 500 years ago, European history was written by Catholic priests who could read and write, but whose brothers and sisters were illiterate, still tending to the farm.

The priest's brothers and sisters were illiterate for a very good reason.

No, not that politically correct reason, silly. Their brother who had entered the priesthood was not trying to keep them ignorant because he hated them and wanted to "preach" to them all the time.

Indeed, he went to seminary school to learn as much as possible so that Jewish guys like the Bill Maher's of the day could not swindle Catholics with fake morality. He was the moral compass of a typical town.

You would consider an ordinary person crazy to spend years learning Chinese if absolutely everything was written in English?  But the problem more than 500 years ago was more fundamental.

Why bother to read at all if there was nothing to read?

Why was there nothing to read? 

Simple, because the printing press had not been invented yet.

Everything had to be written by hand. So the guy doing the writing barely had time to read for himself long enough to gather new information.

You could spend 12 years learning how to read Shakespeare, but there was no Shakespeare to read. Was just not worth it to most people.

Then the printing press came and the Jews saw its enormous potential.

Propaganda was born!!!

Jews quickly spun out cheap interesting stories people were so interested in reading, that they learned read. Jews monopolized the printing industry back then as they monopolize the media today.

Then they were able to start reshaping the world to their liking.

The most infamous reshaping was the Protestant Reformation.

The First Catholic Spring

The first Catholic Spring, The Protestant Reformation, shouted out all the normal talking points:

  1.  Priests could not be trusted (even today), (while every Jews can of course be trusted -- in fact, a Jew cannot even be questioned about his trust)
  2.   The Church was corrupt (but Jews are never corrupt or corrupters)
  3.   The Church was not reading the Bible right (but Jews could read it better for you, along with plenty of outside supplementary commentary from the Jewish own printing presses telling you what the meaning of "is" is -- in Greek or in their favorite -- Hebrew. )
  4.   You didn't even need a Church. You could read the Bible better yourself. (So long as you really got off the mark, you were good with the Jews. The more you strayed from traditional Christian thinking the more you were promoted by the Jewish MSM printing presses, to the tune of 41,000 denominations today from the one Catholic faith - now that is how you do divide and conquer)
  5.   And when you read the Bible for yourself, you could even say that the Pope was not the Pope descended from Peter, but that your very own King Henry the Eight, multiple adulterer, multiple divorcer and serial wife murder, was the Pope of the Anglican Church, descended from a slashing and pillaging Anglo-Saxon tribal chief invading from France.
  6.   Or in the case of the guy who started it all, Martin Luther, he discovered in later life that he had become the poster boy for the nefarious schemes of the Jews in dividing Christianity and he started to write extensively how nefarious the Jews who started it all really are, only this time, instead of obtaining Judeo-MSM printing press glory for "courage" as he received when condemning against the Catholic Church, he was condemned by the Judeo-MSM printing presses as a vile anti-Semite. There can be no courage allowed for standing up to evil, corrupt and scheming Jews.
What did the Catholic Spring of Protestant Reformation accomplish for Jews?

This Catholic Spring allowed Jews to play Protestants against Catholics.

Jews would infiltrate the Protestant countries and were accepted in power and influence like they never were in Catholic countries. Hence, the newly Protestant country of the Dutch became a world power to compete against the Spanish and Portuguese Catholic head-start in world trade.

Then the Jews abandoned the Dutch Protestants for the English Protestants.

Charles Dickens's take on Victorian-era England, when England was at the height of her power and glory, shows that Jewish wealth did not trickle down to the average Englishman.

Jew Benjamin Disraeli, Prime Minister of England, product of that Jewish power, was more concerned with using a massive army and navy, paid by taxes on poor Englishmen, using massive amounts of English Christian blood, during the Crimean War, whose unannounced objective was to protect the monstrous Muslims of the Ottoman Empire, with the announced objective was to keep Russian Orthodox Christians out of the Holy Lands. Of no concern to Disraeli was helping poor English farmers with a Corn Law during a devastating famine.

Finally, by the end of WW2, with the vast British Empire in total Jewish-styled destruction, having fought to the death, for the Jews, against the Jew's prime enemy, Hitler, the Jews had abandoned the English Protestants, for the unsoiled Protestant country of America.

Once in America, Jews tried to provide their typical Judeo-checks-and-balances against the Protestants, by not only using the blacks as a counter-force, but by allowing millions of Catholics to immigrate from Southern Europe, and recently, millions of Muslims.

In the Bush era, the Judeo-transformation had become so pervasive, that evangelical Protestant goals and aspirations became almost indistinguishable from the goals and aspirations of Jews and indeed of the foreign country of Israel.

Most times, evangelicals were greater promoters of Israel than were even the secular, immoral American Jews.


Longtime Clinton confidante discussed infiltrating the Catholic Church with progressive ideology to foment revolution
by Edmund Kozak | Updated 12 Oct 2016 at 2:03 PM

“There needs to be a Catholic Spring, in which Catholics themselves demand the end of a middle ages dictatorship and the beginning of a little democracy and respect for gender equality in the Catholic Church,” Sandy Newman, president and founder of the progressive nonprofit Voices for Progress, writes to Podesta in an email titled “opening for a Catholic Spring? just musing.”   

The emails were leaked in the third round of releases of Podesta’s emails by WikiLeaks.

Newman, who is Jewish, admits he does not know much about the Catholic Church and isn’t volunteering personally to subvert Catholic teachings. “Even if the idea isn’t crazy, I don’t qualify to be involved and I have not thought at all about how one would ‘plant the seeds of the revolution,’ or who would plant them.”

In response, Podesta assures Newman to rest easy for he and his progressive pals have already created organizations explicitly designed to infiltrate the Catholic Church with progressive ideology, though he cautions that the time may not be right for full revolution — just yet.

“We created Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good to organize for a moment like this. But I think it lacks the leadership to do so now. Likewise Catholics United. Like most Spring movements, I think this one will have to be bottom up,” Podesta writes.

The conversation further reveals the contempt with which radical progressives view Catholics and the Catholic Church. On Monday, WikiLeaks published an email showing Democratic operatives mocking conservative Catholics.

A scholar at the Left-wing Center for American Progress emailed Podesta in 2011 bashing then-Fox News CEO Roger Ailes for his Catholic Faith.

"It’s an amazing bastardization of the faith," John Halpin wrote to Podesta, and Jennifer Palmieri, now the communications director of the Clinton campaign. "They must be attracted to the systematic thought and severely backwards gender relations and must be totally unaware of Christian democracy."

Palmieri, agreed.

"I imagine they think it is the most socially acceptable politically conservative religion," she wrote. "Their rich friends wouldn’t understand if they became evangelicals."

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Christian Libertarian: Harmonious Union
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The Christian Solution ©             First Release: March 15, 2008