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Feb 14, 2012 AD

The Old Paths

I wish the old paths
were before us
instead of behind us.

The Traditional Christian Version

    I liked the old paths, when

    Moms were at home.
    Dads were at work.
    Brothers went into the army.
    And sisters got married BEFORE having children!

    Crime did not pay;
    Hard work did;
    And people knew the difference.

    Moms could cook;
    Dads would work;
    Children would behave.

    Husbands were loving;
    Wives were supportive;
    And children were polite.

    Women wore the jewelry;
    And Men wore the pants.

    Women looked like ladies;
    Men looked like gentlemen;
    And children looked decent.

    People loved the truth,
    And hated a lie.

    They came to church to get IN,
    Not to get OUT!

    Hymns sounded Godly;
    Sermons sounded helpful;
    Rejoicing sounded normal;
    And crying sounded sincere.

    Cursing was wicked;
    Drugs were for illness.

    The flag was honored;
    America was beautiful;
    And God was welcome!

    We read the Bible in public;
    Prayed in school;
    And preached from house to house.

    To be called an American was worth dying for;
    To be called an American was worth living for;
    To be called a traitor was a shame!

I still like the old paths the best!

-- 'The Old Paths' was written by a retired minister who lives In Tennessee

The non-Traditional Anti-Christian Version

    I liked the really old paths, when

    Moms were considered property.
    Dads farmed the fields.
    Brothers were drafted into the army and never came home.
    And sisters got married AFTER being knocked up, or were sent to a nunnery!

    Crime paid really well;
    Hard work earned a dollar a day in sweat shops;
    And Al Capone knew the difference.
    Moms could cook over a fire;
    Dads would work or be jailed;
    Children would behave or be sold into indentured servitude.

    Husbands bought their wives with dowry;
    Wives had no other option;
    And children were polite or beaten.

    Women wore the jewelry;
    And Men wore the leggings and powdered wigs.
    Women looked like ladies;
    Men looked like fops;
    And children were seen and not heard.

    People loved the truth,
    And hated a lie;
    They came to church to defend themselves from the inquisition,
    and seldom got back OUT!

    Hymns sounded Godly;
    Sermons were full of hellfire and brimstone;
    Rejoicing sounded normal;
    And boys were beaten if they cried.

    Cursing was wicked;
    Drinking was part of monastic life;
    and divorce was unthinkable, even for a battered wife.

    The flag was honored;
    America belonged to the Native Americans;
    And God was forced on them!

    We read the Bible in public at witch trials, and it had better be a King James Edition;
    Prayed in school even if you had a different religion;
    And preached from house to house
    To be called an American was worth dying for;
    To be called a Christian had you fed to the lions;
    To be called a traitor by the English government was a sign of respect!

    Sex was a personal word, shared by you and your mistress.
    Homosexual was an unheard of word, and homosexuals were jailed.
    Abortion was an illegal word and women died seeking out back alley abortions.

    Preachers preached because they were homosexual and it was the only career were you could be single with a bunch of other guys and not questioned;
    And Christians rejoiced because they had the VICTORY over the native americans!
    Preachers preached from the Bible;
    Singers sang from the heart, and not this lousy Karaoke either;
    And sinners turned to the Lord to be SAVED!

    A new birth might mean a new life, given the ridiculous child mortality rate;
    Salvation meant a changed life, or a dead heathen;
    Following Christ led to eternal life.

    Being a preacher meant you proclaimed the word of God;
    Being a deacon meant you would serve the Lord;
    Being a Christian meant you would live for Jesus;
    And being a sinner meant someone was gunning for you!

    Laws were based on the Bible even if it meant people were stoned to death outside the city gate;
    Homes read the Bible, because other books were unaffordable to most;
    And churches taught the Bible.

    Preachers were more interested in new converts,
    Than new clothes and new cars, since cars weren’t invented yet.
    God was worshiped;
    Christ was exalted;
    and the Holy Spirit was respected.

    Church was where you found Christians, if they could afford to,
    on the Lord's day, rather than in the garden,
    on the creek bank, on the golf course,
    or being entertained somewhere else.

    I still like the really old paths the best !
-- "The Really Old Paths" was written by a dork in Michigan.

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The Christian Solution ©             First Release: March 15, 2008