Feb 1, 2010
The real reason
Japan attacked Pearl Harbor
Wikipedia -- Sakoku
In a nutshell, starting in 1920, Japan saw the weak governments of China and Manchuria being steadidly undermined by the Judeo-Commmunist Comintern, fueled by Russian aid and support, and when prompted by the dire straights of the Great Depression, Japan decided in 1931, to invade Inner Manchuria in order to prevent an imminent fall of the Manchurian government to Judeo-Communism, as well as to have a trade partner during the Great Depression.
But even before that, implementing the isolationist policy of sakoku in 1638, Japan had tried mightily to isolate herself from dominion by European powers, but only find over the next 200 years, that her isolation had made her weaker, as her European enemies became more powerful and surrounded her, until 1852, when Admiral Perry sails into Tokyo Harbor and demands that Japan revoke her isolation.
During Japan's peaceful isolationist policy of Sakoku, she saw:
* Spain, and then America, take total brutal control of the Philippine Islands
* France subdue all of southern Asia -- Indochina
* Britain subdue all of middle Asia -- China
* Russia subdue all of northern Asia -- Outer Manchuria
Out of all the European countries though, Russia was the special threat, for it was Russia who came, by land, to stay. Other Europeans only dominated Asia for a trade monopoly, but Russian Europeans came to colonize.
So when it came to Russia, Japan twice put her foot down in the Russo-Japanese Wars of 1894 and 1905, fighting to prevent Russia from her goals of a warm water port in the Inner Manchurian port of Port Arthur.
Japan finally invoked an especially aggressive Asian Monroe Doctrine in 1931, after it became clear that the Judeo-Communist Comintern, supplied from Russia, attempted to subvert both Manchuria and China in order to take Judeo-Communist control of all of Asia.
Japan felt it was forced into protecting its own Independence from European colonization by taking and holding Asia before Russia did -- a fearful Judeo-Communist Russia who had slaughtered 40 million of their own people. What humanity would a Judeo-Communist Russia show Orientals?
America's actions were not that of a friend either: colonial itself, trade embargos against Japan, anti-Japanese in its mass-media press, and worst -- supplying Japan's sworn enemy Russia with all the arms and food it wanted. A Russia who was fighting Germany, the other co-signer of the Anti-Comintern Pact.
Japan attacked the country, who was the main supplier, of their main enemy.
Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.
After WW2, Jewish Commissars from the Russian Comintern won in China.
Japan's worst fears were realized, 35 million Chinese perished.
Timeline of Japanese Isolationism and Militarism
- 1565 - Philippine Islands, which resemble the Japanese Islands, is subjugated by Spain
- 1638 - Japan's Empress told by British/Dutch traders, Spain is brutal to New World colonies
- 1638 - Shimabara Rebellion of 40,000 Christians in Japan scares Japan into Sakoku Isolation
- 1638 - Japan forbids most trade and makes practice of Christianity death penalty
- 1689 - European Russia completes expansion to the Pacific Ocean by land
- 1750 - Kamchatka Peninsula captured by Russia, with Kurile Islands chain near Japan
- 1840 - In the 1st Opium War, Great Britain subdues Japanese neighbor China
- 1852 - Admiral Perry sails into Tokyo Harbor and points a gun to the head of all Japanese
- 1858 - In the 2nd Opium War, Great Britain again subdues China
- 1858 - Russia takes Outer Manchuria with Sakhalin Islands close to Japanese Hokkaido Island
- 1858 - Japan, fearful of China's fate, signs the Harris Treaty opening trade
- 1860 - Shogun system in Japan and Qing Dynasty in China both fall
- 1867 - America takes comtrol of Alaska, with Aleutian Islands extending toward Japan
- 1894 - Japan adopts Asian version of the Monroe Doctrine - fights to keep out Europeans
- 1894 - 1st Russo-Japanese War keeps Russia from Inner Manchuria / warm-water Port Arthur
- 1895 - Triple Intervention (Russia, France and Germany) frees Port Arthur from Japan control
- 1898 - America takes control of the Philipinnes
- 1902 - America, a former colony, shows her true colors by squashing Philipinne Independence
- 1905 - 2nd Russo-Japanese War again stymies Russia's desire for a warm-water port
- 1917 - Bolsheviks kill Tsar and Romanov family, embark on Red Terror slaughter of millions
- 1917 - Japan liberates Outer Manchuria to protect it from the Bolshevik slaughters
- 1920 - Judeo-Communist Comintern begins subverting China and Inner Manchuria from within
- 1925 - American economic pressure / Russian power restore Russian rule in Outer Manchuria
- 1930 - America's Smoot-Hawley import tariffs has devastating effect upon Japanese trade
- 1931 - Japan invades Inner Manchuria to preemptively keep out Russia/ captive trade partner
- 1931 - American media-Scribes villainize Japanese
- 1931 - America cuts off steel and oil exports to Japan
- 1936 - Anti-Comintern Pact signed by Germany and Japan, noting that Russia is joint enemy
- 1941 - America sides with Japan's arch-enemy - Russia -- in WW2
- 1941 - America ships massive amounts of weapons to enemy Russia in lend-lease program.
- 1941 - Japan attacks Pearl Harbor to keep Russia from giving American weapons to Chinese
- 1945 - Atomic Bomb dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
- 1945 - Russia invades Inner Manchuria and Port Arthur, 5 days after atomic bombs dropped
- 1945 - Japan surrenders all of Inner Manchuria to Russia
- 1945 - Russia gives the Chinese Judeo-Communists American and captured Japanese weapons
- 1949 - China becomes Judeo-Communist -- 35 million perish in Judeo-Communist peace
- 1949 - Japan turns fully to America as her only possible protector and benefactor
Japan's Isolationist Policy of Sakoku
In 1521, Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan arrived in the Philippines and claimed the islands for Spain. By 1565, the Philippines was a total possession of Spain, with the majority of its inhabitants converted to Catholicism. In 1898, the Philippines became an American colony following the Spanish-American War. First Spain and then America had total control over the peoples of a major island off the coast of Asia.
Japan was a also major island off the coast of Asia and the fate of the Philippines thus became a model of what could become of Japan.
Following the historic voyage of Magellan, Spanish and Portuguese Catholic missionaries began arriving in Japan to bring Catholicism to the Japanese people. The numbers of Catholics steadily rose until the Shimabara Rebellion of 1637-1638 by 40,000 mostly Catholic peasants.
There are no details given for what agitated the Christians into rebellion. Indeed, Japanese officials had been hearing troubling stories from English and Dutch traders about how the Spaniards and Portuguese had been settling the New World and brutally subjugating the native populations.
This rebellion by the Christians was probably the frustration of a slow criminalization of their religion began in 1624 by the Empress Meisho, because of these horror stories told of them by the Dutch and English. The Shimabara rebellion itself provided all additional proof of the dangers Christianity posed to Japan. giving the Empress Meisho reason to expel the missionaries and make the practice of Christianity punishable by death.
It is presumed by this author that the English and Dutch traders were predominately Jewish traders still indignant and still fighting the Spanish over the 1492 Expulsion Decree, wherein Jews were expelled from Spain; (see - Jewish Pirates of the Caribbean)
Japan rightfully thought that it too would soon become yet another trophy under their imperial expansion.
Thus the Empress Meisho instituted the practice of isolationism called Sakoku.
Sakoku was to insure that western powers would never again gain a foothold in Japan. Japanese citizens were not allowed to leave Japan to be contaminated by Christianity and Western Civilization, nor would foreigners be allowed to enter Japan to contaminate her.
The Jewish traders had indeed done their job well.
The Dutch East India company was allowed to continue trading at a 120x75 meter, artificially-created island named Dejima in the bay of Nagasaki as the only Western contact. The island of Dejima had one wooden bridge which was guarded at all times and every Dutch ship was inspected for religious books and weapons. No Dutch were allowed to cross the wooden bridge into Japan.
To be exact, Japan also allowed trade with 1) the Ainu, which were the Japanese peoples in the island chains above Japan including Hokkaido, the Kuril Islands, and much of Sakhalin; 2)the Ryukyu Kingdom, which was the Japanese peoples in the islands south of Japan including Ryukyu Islands which extend almost to Taiwan; 3) China and 4) the distant relatives of the Japanese people, the Koreans.
Even so, these 5 groups were allowed to trade through only 4 tightly controlled gateways.
During this period of Sakoku isolationism straddling the years following the suppression of the 1638 Shimabara Christian Rebellion to the Admiral Perry expedition of 1852, there were several significant events.
The first incident in 1804 with Russians proved to be lethal. Russian captain Adam Johann von Krusenstern reached Nagasaki. The Bakufu [Shogun] refused his request to trade and the ships had to leave in spring 1805. The Russians attacked Sakhalin and the Kuril islands during the following three years, prompting the Bakufu [Shogun] to build up defences in Ezo [lands north of Japan].
Obviously, Japan would remember well what threat Russia posed to her.
The second incident in 1840 was the subjugation of China after the First Opium War of 1840, which forced China to accept unconditional trade with Great Britain.
The same British traders who warned Japan of the evil practices of the Spanish and Portuguese traders were shown to be no different.
Japan knew their days of Independence were numbered.
In 1852, Admiral Perry shattered Japan's Sakoku isolationism by putting a gun to her head and demanding that she trade with America.
What a way to make friends! In fact, what a non-Christian way to make friends!
[Townsend] Harris' emphasis (and threat) of the inevitable defeat of the resisting Japanese by the British and the French was enough to convince many of the kaikoku members of the Tokugawa Shogunate to agree to the terms of the United States, no matter how unfavorable they were. The memory of China's overwhelming defeat was too close to be ignored.
The defeat of China by Great Britain again in the Second Opium War, or the Arrow War of 1858, with China forced to sign treaties in June of 1858, further helped weaken Japan's resolve against the inevitable.
The Harris Treaty was signed with the United States on July 29, 1858. Treaties with other countries soon followed.
These "Ansei Treaties" were widely regarded by Japanese intellectuals as unequal, having been forced on Japan through gunboat diplomacy, and as a sign of the West's desire to incorporate Japan into the imperialism that had been taking hold of the continent.
These Unequal Treaties curtailed Japanese sovereignty for the first time in its history; more importantly, it revealed Japan’s growing weakness, and was seen by the West as a pretext for possible colonisation of Japan.
As all students of history know today, the recovery of national status and strength became an overarching priority for the Japanese, with the treaty’s domestic consequences being the end of Shogun control and the establishment of a new imperial government.
Meanwhile, over in China, following the final resolution to the Second Opium War in 1860, the British were allowed to carry indentured Chinese servants to the Americas, the opium trade was legalized.
The defeat of the Chinese Imperial army by a small Anglo-French military force (outnumbered at least 10 to 1 by the Manchu army) coupled with the flight (and subsequent death) of the Emperor and the burning of the Summer Palace was a shocking blow to the once powerful Qing Dynasty.
By 1860, the defeat of the Qing Dynasty in China and the end of the Shogun system in Japan would lead to a continued weakened subservient China and a strengthening revengeful Japan, which would collide in the following century.
Russian Expansion into Asia crowds Japan
Following Magellan's arrival in the Philippines in 1521 by sea, Russia's Tzars embarked upon a march of their own toward Asia by land.
Beginning in 1533 and completed in 1689, Russian borders had now reached the Pacific Ocean.
The Kamchatka Peninsula was added to Russia in the 1740s, making Russia next door neighbors for the first time to the Japanese of the Kurile Islands chain.
In 1858, Russia took advantage of the defeated Chinese in the Second Opium War and forcing the Treaty of Aigun upon China, Russia annexed some 300,000 to 400,000 square miles of Chinese land to the Russian Empire. This region was part of Manchuria and became now known as outer Manchuria, leaving the remaining Chinese part of Manchuria as Inner Manchuria. Once again Russia was made an even closer next door neighbor to Japan with the Sakhalin Islands being next to the major Japanese Island of Hokkaido.
The biggest Russian port on the Pacific became Vladivostok, which was given a major boost in 1903 with the completion of the Trans-Siberian Railway connecting Vladivostok to Moscow and Europe. The Trans-Siberian now enabled millions of Russians easy access to Asia. But this ocean port was only free of ice during the summer months. Russia wanted a warm water port. And the warm water port of Port Arthur was the perfect port.
Russo-Japanese Wars

The Liaodong Peninsula, contained the excellent warm water port of Port Arthur, which Russia needed for year-round Russian naval forces and commercial fleets.
To have this warm water port, Russia would have to take the other half of Manchuria, the part that came to be known as Inner Manchuria.
This is where Japan finally drew the line in the sand.
The First Sino-Japanese War (1894–1895), the Japanese won.
Defeat precipitated decline in the Chinese Empire which was exploited by colonial powers who extracted numerous concessions. The peninsula was ceded to Japan by the Treaty of Maguan of 17 April 1895 but this was rescinded after the Triple Intervention of 23 April 1895 by Russia, France and Germany. In the aftermath of this intervention, the Russian government pressured the ruling Qing dynasty to lease Liaodong and the strategically important Lüshunkou (Port Arthur) for use by the Russian Navy. This caused resentment in Japan and was a factor leading to the Russo-Japanese War (1904–1905) when negotiations concerning the peninsula, Manchuria, and Korea broke down, due to Russia's unwillingness to treat Japan seriously as another power.
As in the First Sino-Japanese War the Liaodong peninsula with its prise of Port Arthur was the scene of major fighting in the Russo-Japanese War. As a consequence of the Treaty of Portsmouth (5 September 1905), which ended the Russo-Japanese War, both sides agreed to evacuate Manchuria and return its sovereignty to China, but Japan was given the lease for the Liaotung/Liaodong.

In America, we had developed the "Monroe Doctrine" which stated that it was in America's best interests to have Europe keep their hands out of the New World.
In Japan, their "Monroe Doctrine" became the creed of keeping Russia out of Asia by all means possible.
In 1917, WW1 was coming to a close and the Bolsheviks overthrew Japan's nemesis -- the Tsars of Russia.
However, it quickly became apparent to one and all in the Red Scare Terrorism unleashed on Russia, that the new Tsars - the Jewish Tsars -- were far less humanitarian than the Christian Tsars. If the Jewish Commissars would easily slaughter millions of fair-skinned Europeans like themselves (all said, 62 million up to and including Stalin), what chance would yellow-skinned Orientals have for humane treatment, especially, seeing the sub-human treatment Orientals had received in the hands of Europeans for several hundred years now?
Seeing the Red Scare in Russia, Japan made the decision to occupy Outer Manchuria, protecting the orientals living there from persecution and to protect Japan from further expansion of Russia.
Outer Manchuria was held by Japan until in 1925, when Russia with strong American economic pressure forced the Japanese to withdraw. Remember, Japan was now trading with America -- forced to trade with America -- and was heavily dependant upon trade for a modern life that required steel and oil.
Many Japanese were probably asking themselves, "Why would America pressure Japan to withdraw from Outer Manchuria to give it back to Judeo-Communists of Russia, who had themselves "occupied all of Russia", unless America were supporting the Judeo-Communists, making them friends of the brand-new super-arch-enemy of Japan?"
As we all know, these Jewish Commissars in control of Russia were not innocents. Once Russia became Judeo-Communist, they created the Comintern to create Judeo-Communist Revolutions in every country. (The Comintern being an acronym of the words "Communist International.")
The Comintern was headed by a Jewish man named Grigory Zinoviev and it consisted of mostly Jews, who established and funded Judeo-Communist cells inside China. (as well as in Germany, Hungary and many other places)
Following WW1, German's concession in China was given to Japan, and Japan backed several of the other warlords. Meanwhile, the creation of the Chinese Nationalist Party or Kuomintang, backed by Judeo-Communist interests from Russia, started to systematically sweep over China until checked by an alarmed Japan.
It quickly became apparent to Japan that Russia was back greedily for, not just Inner Manchuria and its warm water port of Port Arthur, but now wanted all of China.
The Judeo-Communists threatened to turn China into the same Judeo-Communist state as Russia already was, leaving Japan an isolated Island off the coast of a gigantic Judeo-Communist continent.
Long before there was a Hitler Youth Corps, "in June 1920, Comintern agent Grigori Voitinsky was sent to China, and met Li Dazhao and other reformers. He financed the founding of the Socialist Youth Corps. (Wiki - History of the Communist Party in China)"
Weapons were being smuggled in by "Mikhail Markovich Borodin (alias of Mikhail Gruzenberg), a Comintern agent and Soviet arms dealer... As Comintern agent in China between 1923 and 1927, Borodin arranged shipments of Soviet arms to the Kuomintang government in Canton, China.... After Dr. Sun Yat Sen's death in 1925, he remained an advisor to the Kuomintang government until 1928, when Chiang Kai-Shek purged communists and sought to have him arrested. " (Wiki -- Mikhail Borodin)
During the Great Depression, one of the first acts we did was pass the Smoot-Hawley act of June, 1930. This placed heavy punishing tarriffs on imports to protect our industries.
The effect of Smoot-Hawley on an exporting country like Japan was devastating. Japan was now a trading country, as America has asked her to do -- indeed, as America had forced her to do.
America's promise of trade and friendly relations was proved false. America was not a reliable trading partner and was killing them with the trade embargo.
Hence, establishing a "colony" as Europeans were so want to do, in Manchuria, would give Japan a sort of Mercantile trading partner they could reliably sell their goods to and receive raw materials from and the best part -- cut Russia off from further expansion.
Japan invaded Inner Manchuria on September 19, 1931.
In our mass-media newspapers, Japan was characterized as the villain.
Japan has no natural resources, so to participate in the industrial revolution, they had to buy natural resources from others and sell manufactured goods.
Our cutting off steel and oil shipments only made matters worst. Now Japan needed a supply of oil, which it could only get in Indonesia, far to the south.
Japan knew it was fighting the Comitern of Judeo-Communism. "The Anti-Comintern Pact was concluded between Nazi Germany and the Empire of Japan (later to be joined by other countries) on November 25, 1936 and was directed against the Communist International (Comintern) in general, and the Soviet Union in particular... In case of an attack by the Soviet Union against Germany or Japan, the two countries agreed to consult on what measures to take "to safeguard their common interests". They also agreed that neither of them would make any political treaties with the Soviet Union, and Germany also agreed to recognize Manchukuo [Japan's occupied Inner Mancuria]... On November 6, 1937, Italy also joined the pact, thereby forming the group that would later be known as the Axis Powers. (Wiki -- Anti-Comintern Pact)
Chiang Kai-shek was eventually able to take control of the Kuomintang from the Judeo-Communists, transforming it into a true Chinese nationalist movement, but Chiang Kai-shek remained opposed by Judeo-Communist Mao. He foolishy fought the Japanese who really had no beef with the Chinese, but honestly looked upon themselves as better protecters of Chinese than the Judeo-Communists of Russia.
WW2 began in 1939 and Great Britain was at war with Germany.
During WW1, Winston Churchill had a "Turkey First" policy to take Palestine for the Jews. But in WW2, Churchill was willing to let a historic trading partner suffer. "Churchill's new "Europe First" policy for WW2 obviously did not sit well with Chiang, while the later British insistence that China send in more and more troops into Indochina in the Burma Campaign was suspected by Chiang as an attempt by Great Britain to use Chinese manpower to defend Britain's colonial holdings and prevent the gate to India from falling to Japan. Chiang also believed that China should divert their crack army divisions from Burma to eastern China to defend the airbases of the American bombers and defeat the IJA through bombing, a strategy that U.S. General Claire Chennault supported but Stilwell strongly opposed. (Wiki -- Second Sino-Japanese War)"
Lastly, while we now had a total embargo on Japan, both in imports and exports, we had no such policy toward Russia, the country they were most worried about. Our lend-lease policy of shipping Russia all the military goods and food stocks it needed as an ally of Russia, made America once again appear to be the enemy.
So why attack Pearl Harbor?
Our American newspapers establish foreign policy in America, not the government.
The newspapers had long ago declared war on both Japan and Germany by screaming it on the front pages of every newspaper every day.
With American having de-facto already having declared war on Japan, in every definition of the word other than outright shooting, then Japan felt justified in engaging in a peremptory military operation.
Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.
Thus "proving" once again to the American public that they were right all along about Japan. -- Japan was negotiating with us as Japanese Zeros approached the entrance to Pearl Harbor.
And so an "innocent", "didn't see it coming", America would declare war on the "fascist", "evil", "sneak-attack", Empire of Japan.
Japan may look at history in a different light than we do -- "The way Americans negotiate," say the Japanese, "is to first send a fleet of warships into their capital harbor, then ask to talk."
How did China become Judeo-Communist?
Although America started and ended the war against Japan all by ourselves, concluding it with two nuclear bombs, somehow, FDR thought Judeo-Communist Stalin needed to help us finish off Japan, and saw to it that Russia recieved twice the weapons America had ever given Chiang Kai-Shek during the entire World War to fight Japan.
At the Tehran and Yalta wartime conferences, Roosevelt asked Stalin if he would break his pact with Japan and enter the Far East war. Stalin agreed, but attached conditions. He demanded that America completely equip his Far Eastern Army for the expedition, with 3,000 tanks, 5,000 planes, plus all the other munitions, food, and fuel required for a 1,250,000-man army. Roosevelt accepted this demand, and 600 shiploads of Lend-Lease material were convoyed to the USSR for the venture. Stalin’s Far Eastern Army swiftly received more than twice the supplies we gave Chiang Kai-shek during four years as our ally.
General Douglas MacArthur protested after discovering that ships designated to supply his Pacific forces were being diverted to Russia. Major General Courtney Whitney wrote: “One hundred of his transport ships were to be withdrawn immediately, to be used to carry munitions and supplies across the North Pacific to the Soviet forces in Vladivostok.... Later, of course, they were the basis of Soviet military support of North Korea and Red China.”
Once again, Japan's 100-year-old worry that the Russians would get the warm water port of Port Arthur were about to be implemented. "Stalin didn’t just want materiel in return for entering the Asian war. He also demanded control of the Manchurian seaports of Dairen and Port Arthur — which a glance at the map shows would give him an unbreakable foothold in China — as well as joint control, with the Chinese, of Manchuria’s railroads. Roosevelt made these concessions without consulting the Chinese. Thus, without authority, he ceded to Stalin another nation’s sovereign territory. The president made these pledges without the knowledge or consent of Congress or the American people.
After barely firing a shot, the Soviets received surrender of Japan’s huge arsenals in Manchuria. These, with their American Lend-Lease supplies, they handed over to Mao Tse-tung’s communists to overthrow the Nationalist government.
Pro-communist Stratagems
This State Department clique employed several tactics to advance Chinese communism. Among the chief: claiming Mao’s followers weren’t communists, but merely “agrarian reformers.” Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto had commanded: “Workers of the world, unite!” But since China had little industry, Chinese communists made farmers their focus.
Professor Kenneth A. Colgrove testified that Owen Lattimore informed him that “Chinese Communists under Mao Tse-tung were real democrats and that they were really agrarian reformers and had no connection with Soviet Russia.”
The aforementioned John Carter Vincent referred to Mao and his followers as “so-called Communists.” ?
Raymond Ludden, another in the State Department clique, reported that “the so-called Communists are agrarian reformers of a mild democratic stripe more than anything else.”?
In 1943, T. A. Bisson wrote in Far Eastern Survey: “By no stretch of the imagination can this be termed ‘communism’; it is, in fact, the essence of bourgeois democracy applied mainly to agrarian conditions.”
Delay of American gold, led to corruption, which led to propaganda against Nationalists
Their government offices displaced by Japan’s invasion, the Nationalists had to rely on paper currency. Runaway inflation threatened China’s economy. To stabilize the situation, Chiang Kai-shek requested a loan of U.S. gold. President Roosevelt approved, but the gold shipments were delayed and withheld by Assistant Treasury Secretary Harry Dexter White, long since proven to be a Soviet agent. This collapsed China’s currency. One can understand why some Chinese officials, forced to accept salaries paid in worthless money, turned to corruption.
Walter S. Robertson, Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs, informed the National Press Club in 1959: “We stood by and saw China drift into a state of complete economic collapse. The currency was worthless.... In China, we withheld our funds at the only time, in my opinion, we had a chance to save the situation. To do what? To force the Communists in.”
An old Communist trick: Force a good moral government to merge with an evil communist one
As a final tactic, State Department leftists demanded the Nationalists form a “coalition government” with the communists.?This was an old communist trick. By forcing the postwar governments of Poland, Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia to form coalitions with communists, the Marxists seized control of those nations; Mao Tse-tung envisioned the same strategy for China. In his report “On Coalition Government,” made in April 1945 to the Seventh National Convention of the Chinese Communist Party, Mao predicted that a coalition would destroy both Chiang and “reactionary American imperialism.” ?
The State Department’s China clique echoed this call. John P. Davies wrote in 1944: “A coalition Chinese Government in which the Communists find a satisfactory place is the solution of this impasse most desirable to us.”?
A more realistic assessment of coalition government — which meant combining constitutional freedom with totalitarian gangsterism — was provided by Douglas MacArthur, who said it would have “about as much chance of getting them together as that oil and water will mix.”
General Marshall helps disarm the Nationalists
Marshall’s disastrous 15-month China mission ended in January 1947. Upon his return to the United States, President Truman rewarded his failures with appointment as Secretary of State. Marshall imposed a weapons embargo on the Nationalists, while the communists continued receiving a steady weapons supply from the USSR. Marshall boasted that he disarmed 39 anti-communist divisions “with a stroke of the pen.” This doomed Chinese freedom.
Finally, a summation of errors all point to them NOT being coincidences.
The China disaster did not result from “blunders.” Congressman Walter Judd, an acknowledged Far East expert, said: “On the law of averages, a mere moron once in a while would make a decision that would be favorable to the United States. When policies are advocated by any group which consistently work out to the Communists’ advantage, that couldn’t be happenstance.”
China ended up Judeo-Communist.
China saw 35 million Chinese die in the hands of the Judeo-Communists during peace-time, while all of America's war movies celebrate our victory over Japan, who had only killed 6 million during wartime, as an ally of the Nationalist Chinese who themselves had killed 10 million people.
Japan had good reasons to worry.
You can read further at
The Problem.
You can read further at
The Solution.
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