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May 2021 AD

  Racial Truths Hurt

Intelligence as measured by IQ is a great and reliable predictor of success, from the success or failure of nations, to the success or failure of races, to the success or failure of individuals. We will report on this taboo subject in the name of real science, not politically correct pseudo-science pretending to be science.

Recently, we documented the long and lengthy reason why Islam is incompatible with Western Civilization.

Now we do the same with African Americans, showing they are incompatible with Western Civilization.

The difference is that Islam has a morality problem while African Americans have a genetic problem.

Well African Americans also have a morality problem as the 1.7% of black men between the ages of 15-25 commit more than half the crimes in America.

Too bad our leaders do not have the moral integrity to recognize the science in what we are about to present.

"It's SCIENCE!!!!", we should all scream.

But instead, we are screamed lies back about the science in order to silence us, so as to make everyone feel good about themselves -- in the name of "equality".

Even premier scientist James Watson was not immune to the cancel culture for speaking truth about  genetic differences between races.

"There is no firm reason to anticipate that the intellectual capacities of peoples geographically separated in their evolution should prove to have evolved identically.

Our wanting to reserve equal powers of reason as some universal heritage of humanity will not be enough to make it so."

— Dr. James Watson (co-discoverer of the structure of DNA) tells an inconvenient truth, faces the consequences:

For this truthtelling, Jame Warson was severely punished.

No one disagrees that the races have evloved differently as far as skin color, but blasphemy to say we have evolved differently in our mental capacities!

James Watson is one of the most distinguished living figures in American science, and yet even he was not immune to immediate expulsion from the very lab he created and built up over 40 years of his life, and excommunication from the scientific establishment that celebrated him.

All this for one crime: voicing scientific facts and hypotheses that made this community uncomfortable.

The same personal and professional fate befell former Harvard president Larry Summers in 2005 for a purely academic discussion of females in science during an economics conference intended for discussing this very subject! (Basically said women could not do math.)

What effect will this continuing intellectual mob violence have on future and current scientists and researchers who want to freely study human genetics, cross-cultural psychology, sociology, or any discipline that may reveal similar facts that have the potential to cause their professional or personal destruction by an intellectual community that resembles the medieval church?

Those who punish,
those who lie,
those who silence,
those who condemn,
those who intimidate...
they have corrupted science.

They have injured the intellectual openness, freedom, and fairness of our society and our institutions, with untold costs to our collective human well-being.

Not James D. Watson.

And now we present our case

According to Rushton and Jensen (2009), this low average IQ suggests that African adults have the cognitive ability of an average 11-year-old white teenager.

Raven's test performance of sub-Saharan Africans: Average performance, psychometric properties, and the Flynn Effect (

The Island analogy

Put Whites on an island and you get England;

Put Asians on an island and you get Japan;

Put Blacks on an island and you get Haiti.

Eighty percent of Haiti's population live on less than two dollars a day and the country's Gross Domestic Product per inhabitant is six times less than that of neighboring Dominican Republic.

The Island of Hispaniola:

Dominican Republic (only 11% black)
Per capita GDP = $7,052 (2017 USD)

Haiti (Nearly 87% black)
Per capita GDP $765 (2017 USD)

The capital of Haiti, Port-au-Prince, is one of the largest cities in the world without a central sewage system. Most of the more than three million people in the metro area use outhouses. There's just one sewage treatment plant in the entire country (built by Whites).

Haiti was the jewel of the Caribbean that outproduced every other island until the blacks overthrew the French in 1791 and after that Haiti has been the poorest country in the western hemisphere.

Nowhere Blacks live are they considered achievers. Blacks are universally viewed as unproductive and disruptive to society.

If the races are equally intelligent, then there should be evidence that they are; absence of such evidence is itself evidence that the races are not equal.

Blacks can only achieve because they have White admixture or because they reside in White societies. Too few of them are smart enough to even build sufficient infrastructure in Africa to allow the Black intellectual elite to achieve.

The entire continent of Africa produces a mere 1.5% of the world's manufactured goods. The 41 countries of sub-Saharan Africa produce no more wealth than the tiny country of Belgium, which has only 1/45 the population. Of all of the region’s economic production, White-run South Africa accounts for three-quarters of it. That Whites are only 8% of South Africa's population demonstrates how productive and industrious Whites are that so relative few can carry the load for so many unproductive Blacks.

Nigeria has one of the world's largest oil reserves, yet, they are too dumb to figure out how to refine it. All of Nigeria's gasoline has to be imported. By 2100, Lagos Nigeria will be the largest city in the world with 84 million people.

Blacks became an out-of-control invasive species after Whites domesticated them.

Advancements to Civilization

Whites are only 10% of the world's population and the only race in population decline (creating only 7% of the world's babies), yet are the most industrious and innovative race the world has known.

Whites unlocked the secrets of DNA and relativity, launched satellites, created automation, discovered electricity and nuclear energy, invented automobiles, aircraft, submarines, radio, television, computers, medicine, telephones, light bulbs, photography, and countless other technological miracles. Whites were the first to circumnavigate the planet by ship, orbit it by spacecraft, walk on the moon, probe beyond the solar system, climb the highest peaks, reach both poles, exceed the sound barrier, descend to the oceans depths...

Australia was settled by British prisoners. Now it is a First-World country.

Blacks cannot even feed themselves.

No pre-contact Black society ever created a written language, or wove cloth, or forged steel, or invented the wheel, or plow, or devised a calendar, or code of laws, or system of measurement, or math, or built a multi-story structure, or sewer, or drilled a well, or irrigated, or created any agriculture, or built a road, or sea-worthy vessel. They never domesticated animals, or exploited underground natural resources, or produced any kind of mechanical device.

Blacks were still living in the Stone Age when Whites discovered them just 400 years ago.

Blacks are the oldest race, so they should be the most advanced — but they never advanced at all.

Sub-Saharan Africans never made any contribution to the world. Everything they have was given to them by Whites.

Blacks lived alone in Africa, a vast continent with temperate climates and abundant resources for 60,000 years so they cannot blame slavery, racism, colonialism, culture, environment, or anything else for their failures.

Nobel Prizes vs IQ

Ashkenazim (European Jews) are 0.2% of the world’s population and 22% of the Nobel science laureates.

There has never been a Black Nobel science laureate (or a Fields Medal winner, which is like the Nobel Prize for mathematics).

• Ashkenazi IQ = 115
• African Black IQ = 67


IQ Levels by Race

• Ashkenazim = 115
• East Asians = 106
• Whites = 102
• Inuits and Eskimos = 91
• South-East Asians = 87
• American Indians = 87
• Non-White Hispanics = 86
• Koko = 85 (A gorilla trained in sign language)
• American Blacks = 85 (average 24% White admixture)
• Middle East and North Africans = 84
• African Blacks = 67 (only 2% of Whites score this low)
• Australian Aborigines = 62
• Kalahari Bushman = 54
• Congo Pygmies = 54

IQ Levels by Nation

Notice a pattern in IQ levels among Western nations vs Sub-Saharan African nations?

• 108 Singapore
• 106 South Korea
• 105 Japan
• 105 China
• 102 Italy
• 101 Iceland
• 101 Mongolia
• 101 Switzerland
• 100 Austria
• 100 Luxembourg
• 100 Netherlands
• 100 Norway
• 100 United Kingdom
• 99 Belgium
• 99 Canada
• 99 Estonia
• 99 Finland
• 99 Germany
• 99 New Zealand


• 70 Botswana
• 70 Rwanda
• 69 Burundi
• 69 Cote d'Ivoire
• 69 Ethiopia
• 69 Malawi
• 68 Angola
• 68 Chad
• 68 Djibouti
• 68 Somalia
• 68 Swaziland
• 67 Dominica
• 67 Guinea
• 67 Haiti
• 67 Liberia
• 66 Gambia
• 65 Congo
• 64 Cameroon
• 64 Gabon
• 64 Sierra Leone
• 64 Mozambique
• 59 Equatorial Guinea

IQ Distributions

Black-White IQ Distribution:

                 5% above 110 IQ
                 16% above 100 IQ
                 40% above 90 IQ
                 60% above 80 IQ
                 40% below 80 IQ
                 18% below 75 IQ
                 10% below 70 IQ

                 10% above 120 IQ
                 18% above 115 IQ
                 27% above 110 IQ
                 40% above 105 IQ
                 50% above 100 IQ
                 60% below 105 IQ
                 35% below 95 IQ
                 15% below 85 IQ

As the New York Times put it, "...the difference in IQ points between the groups is quite significant. It means that the top sixth of Blacks score only as well on IQ tests as do the top half of Whites."

The least intelligent 10% of Whites have IQs below 80 (low functioning); 40% of Blacks do.

Only one Black in six is more intelligent than the average White; five Whites out of six are more intelligent than the average Black.

Incidentally, Black female IQ is 2.4 points higher than Black male IQ. There are twice as many Black females as Black males with IQs over 120, and five times as many Black females as Black males with IQs over 140.

About 2.3% of Whites have an IQ of at least 130 (gifted), 20 times greater than the percentage of Blacks who do; only 0.00044% of African Blacks have an IQ over 130. 80% of gifted American Blacks have White admixture.

Geniuses by Race (IQ 140 or higher):
          •   African Blacks                 1:3,500,000            (0.000003%)
          •   American Blacks             1:218,000               (0.0004%) 
          •   Whites                             1:83                        (1.2%)             

So, the per capita genius rate for Whites is 41,000 times higher than it is for African Blacks.  

If all Whites in America were replaced by Blacks, the number of geniuses in the country would fall from about 2.4 million to only 1,000.

Definition of Mental Retardation target moved

In 1959, the American Association on Mental Deficiency (AAMD) set the IQ threshold for retardation at 85. The civil rights movement of the next decade forced psychologists to rethink this boundary, because half of the Black population fell below it. In 1973, responding to this concern, AAMD (by then AAMR) changed the threshold from IQ 85 to IQ 70, a reduction of one standard deviation. The proportion of Blacks below the threshold instantly dropped from 50 percent to 12 percent.

Brain Sizes reflect relative intelligence

Brain Size and Weight by Race: American Whites vs. American Blacks (average 24% White admixture)

A study by Ho et al. (1980) recorded the brain weights of 1,261 Americans, including 416 White and 228 Black men, taken from five years of records at Case Western Reserve University. Analysis of brain weight. I. Adult brain weight in relation to sex, race, and age (1980), by Ho, Roessmann, Straumfjord, and Monroe.

Whites: 1392 grams (1442cc)
Blacks: 1286 grams (1332cc)

The largest autopsy study was performed by anthropologist Ralph Holloway (2004) at Columbia University Medical School on 1,391 Whites, 153 Hispanics, and 615 Blacks:

Whites: 1285 grams (1331cc)
Hispanics: 1253 grams (1298cc)
Blacks: 1222 grams (1266cc)

The largest study of race differences in endocranial volume was by Beals et al. (1984) with measurements of up to 20,000 skulls from around the world:

Asians: 1415cc
Whites: 1362cc
Blacks: 1268cc

Asian brain size is greater than White brain size, yet Asian brain weight is less than White brain weight. Whites have a greater number of folds which increase the brain area. Brain folding is a natural solution to maximizing surface area within a given space.

Variability in Frontotemporal Brain Structure
October 26, 2010

"After controlling for age, sex, and education level, the African-American population exhibited smaller total cerebral volume than Caucasians."


Group differences in brain volume measures:

Whites: 1178cc
Blacks: 1076cc

"Our findings do have clear implications for neuroscience research. Racial and ethnic background accounts for some of the variability in brain structure and so this demographic needs to be consistently incorporated into neuroscience research. As one might expect from such research, genetic differences are related to brain structure and function, and these influences appear strongest for areas of the brain involved in language, attention, visual, emotional and sensorimotor processing."


Brain size by race:

In the commonly used Smith-Beals data set of 20,000 skulls worldwide, East Asians averaged 1415 cubic centimeters of brain volume. Ethnic Europeans averaged 1362 cubic centimeters, and sub-Saharan Africans averaged 1268 cubic centimeters.


Brain size and cognitive ability: Correlations with age, sex, social class, and race

East Asians and their descendants = 1,364; Europeans and their descendants = 1,347; and Africans and their descendants = 1,267).


Race Diffences in babies

Race differences start in the womb. Blacks are born earlier and grow quicker than Whites and Asians.

Black babies mature more quickly than White babies, while Asian babies mature more slowly. Black babies in a sitting position are more able to keep their heads up and backs straight from the start. White babies often need six to eight weeks to do these things.

Black babies spend the least time in the womb. 51% of Black children have been born by week 39 of pregnancy compared with 33% of White children.

Black children sit, crawl, walk, and put on their own clothes earlier than Whites or Asians. The findings are measured by such tests as Bayley’s Scales of Mental and Motor Development and the Cambridge Neonatal Scales.

Asian children, on the other hand, mature more slowly than do White children. Asian children often do not walk until 13 months. Walking starts at 12 months for white children and 11 months for Black children.

MILESTONE: Being drawn up into a sitting position, able to prevent the head from falling backwards:

Black: Nine hours
White: Six weeks

MILESTONE: With head held firmly, looking at the face of the examiner:

Black: Two days
White: Eight weeks

MILESTONE: Supporting self in a sitting position and watching own reflection in a mirror:

Black: Seven weeks
White: Twenty weeks

MILESTONE: Holding self upright:

Black: Five months
White: Nine months

MILESTONE: Climbing the steps alone:

Black: 11 months
White: 15 months


"...the kinesthetic maturation rate of Black infants was two or three times that of White children." Simpson, 2003

Faster maturation goes along with a shorter life span. In 2002, Black Americans had 40.5% more deaths than they would have had with the White mortality rate.

A 2005 report by former U.S. Surgeon General David Satcher: The bodies of Blacks mature faster.

İşcan, 1987; Wilson, 1978; Levin, 1997; Freedman, 1969.

Blacks do not have Neanderthal DNA

A basic law of biology is that longer infancy is related to greater brain growth.

Blacks are the only race not hybridized with the large-brained Neanderthals, and also the only race without the derived form of MCPH1 microcephalin called haplogroup D which produces increased brain volume.

The correlation between brain size and IQ across 25 primate species is 0.77 (where 1.0 indicates that monozygotic twins have no variance in IQ and 0 indicates that their IQs are completely uncorrelated).

Structural imaging of total brain gray and white matter volumes is perhaps the most obvious approach to correlate brain measures with general intelligence (Toga et al, 2005). Brain structure measured from MRI correlates with intelligence test scores as total brain volume (Gignac et al. 2003), as do the volumes of individual lobes and aggregate gray and white matter volumes (Posthuma et al. 2002).

Larger brains contain more neurons and synapses and process information faster. By adulthood, East Asians average one cubic inch more cranial capacity than Whites who average five cubic inches more than Blacks.

In the commonly used Smith-Beals data set of 20,000 skulls worldwide, East Asians averaged 1415 cubic centimeters of brain volume. Ethnic Europeans averaged 1362 cubic centimeters, and sub-Saharan Africans averaged 1268 cubic centimeters.

Brain Size by Race:

• Blacks = 1267 cm³
• Whites = 1347 cm³
• Asians = 1364 cm³

Brain Weight by Race:

• Blacks = 1261 grams
• Whites = 1387 grams
• Asians = 1374 grams

So, Asian brain size is greater than White brain size, yet Asian brain weight is less than White brain weight. Whites have a greater number of folds which increase the brain area. Brain folding is a natural solution to maximizing surface area within a given space.

Whites' brains are faster, larger, denser, and more complex than Blacks' brains:

• 8% larger
• 126 grams heavier
• deeper fissuration in the frontal and occipital regions
• more complex convolutions
• larger frontal lobes
• more pyramidal neurons
• 16% thicker supra-grandular layer
• one standard deviation more cerebrum
• react faster on mental chronometry tests
• 600 million more neurons

The racial IQ and brain size gap is present in infants and fetuses.

The 1.1 SD (16 IQ points) American Black (24% White admixture)-White IQ gap is present by age three. The IQ gap between African Blacks and Whites is 2 SD.

Race differences show up by 3 years of age, even after matching on maternal education and other variables. Therefore, they cannot be due to poor education since this has not yet begun to exert an effect.





The racial IQ and brain size gap is present in infants and fetuses.

The 1.1 SD (16 IQ points) American Black (24% White admixture)-White IQ gap is present by age three. The IQ gap between African Blacks and Whites is 2 SD.

Race differences show up by 3 years of age, even after matching on maternal education and other variables. Therefore, they cannot be due to poor education since this has not yet begun to exert an effect.





American Blacks have 24% white blood

Compare IQs between American Blacks who average 24% White admixture (IQ 85) to African Blacks (IQ 67).

The latest and best evidence, using high-density genotype data, shows that the proportion of European ancestry in the Black American population is about 24% (Bryc, Durand, Macpherson, Reich, & Mountain, 2015).


Whites create; Blacks destroy.

There's a reason Blacks never created a civilization (or even a written language or invented the wheel).

African Blacks average IQ 67.

American Blacks (average 24% White admixture) average IQ 85.

It was determined in IQ and the Wealth of Nations (Search: National IQs) that a minimum National IQ of 90 is required just to maintain a modern society.

19 of the 20 poorest countries are sub-Saharan African.

There are no White Third-World countries, but all Black ones are.

Where have Blacks ever been successful?

We just had a White sub-Saharan African (Elon Musk) launch a spacecraft and several satellites while Black sub-Saharan Africans destroyed several cities.

Name a civilization ever created by Blacks.

Name a single contribution from sub-Saharan Africans to the world.

The simple fact is, everything Blacks have was given to them by Whites.

Blacks are the only race never to have civilized. They were removed from the jungle just 250 years ago.

Blacks can only achieve because they have White admixture, received special preferences, or because they reside in White societies. Too few of them are smart enough to even build sufficient infrastructure in Africa to allow the Black intellectual elite to achieve.

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Last Hope for America
Christian Libertarian: Harmonious Union
Church and State

The Christian Solution ©             First Release: March 15, 2008