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December 2017 AD

Past Christian Morality of America

It is not really the Republican or Democrat control of the Senate in question. It is the Jewish hegemony in the Senate which Judge Roy Moore challenges. An old-time Christianity they thought they had defeated is now trying to resurect itself against the Jewish (media) masters of the Senate.

This is so well written by John Nolte, I have to share it with you (the emphasis is all mine)...

A lot of people who despise Christians are questioning the Christianity of those supporting Roy Moore.

This is a cynical attempt at emotional blackmail, but let me go ahead and explain the obvious anyway…

The choice between flawed men like Donald Trump and Roy Moore and 99 percent of Democrats is a shockingly easy one for any Christian, because it is the choice between pragmatism and slavery.

Look at the left and our media today, look at just how far these fascists are willing to go to enslave us by means of the state and social pressure…

1) Although they told us gay marriage would have no effect on our lives, the left are now using the powers of the state to force Christian bakers and florists to choose between staying in business or participating in the sacramentalization of a sin that is a same-sex wedding. The state forcing you to do work you do not want to do is the textbook definition of slavery.

2) Through the power of the state, the left is demanding all of us, including the Little Sisters of the Poor, violate our conscience through the providing of birth control and abortion pills.

3) The media is pressuring everyone to REVEAL YOUR POLITICS. [TCS: Daily Beast getting huffy that Taylor Swift will not discuss politics, so they resort to calling her Hitler's Eva Braun]

4) Social Justice Warriors on social media bullied a troubled porn star into suicide for expressing a healthy caution about performing with men who have had sex with other men. So much for “My body, my choice.”
[TCS: She chose not to share her body with gay men, and was denounced by feminists who say a woman owns her own body]

5) Your twelve-year-old daughter will look at the mentally ill man’s penis.
[TCS: CNN’s Chris Cuomo Suggests 12 Year Old Girls Are The Problem If They Don’t Want To See A Male’s Genitals In Locker Rooms]

John Nolte is absolutely correct.

These Jewish liberals do intensely despise Christians.

But that does not stop them from buying up all the large newspapers in Alabama and hiding their anti-Chrisian biad propaganda behind these New York City owned newspapers, innocently named after the State of Alabama and cities within Alabama; in the process, emotionally blackmailing Alabama Christians with hate speech if they dare support the one real Christian running for Senator of Alabama.

Cannot have a full pledged REAL CHRISTIAN in the Senate these Jewish liberals have tried so hard in since they successfully kicked the States out of the Senate in 1913 with the 17th Amendment.

BTW, Jewish Comedien, turned rotten Jewish Senator Al Franken is not really leaving the Senate. As soon as Roy Moore is elected, he will be "convinced" to stay in the Senate to battle against Roy Moore. "His sexual perversion all forgiven in the name of opposing a "child molester" in the Senate", he will say

Other already existing
Forms of enslavement

This is so much a part of "society" nowadays, but you may not know how enslaved we are already as a society.

The Anti-Discrimination Slave Hustle
  1.  A LA pizza owner in 1955 says he does not want any Hispanic hoodlums in his restaurant. OK, the liberals come after him for discrimination against a protected people and threaten to shut down his business. We bought this and lost our ability to freely associate.  We denounced this man and he is forced to serve people he does not want to serve.  He became a slave to the government.
  2.   My how the liberal mind expands. Now all Americans have to let every Hispanic into not just our businesses, but into our very country, or we are labeled racists by liberals. Same goes for blacks, Muslims, homosexuals, or anyone else Liberals deem a worthy of their special protections. 
  3.   Now there reverse situation is just fine with liberals. The liberal owners of Google and Facebook can prevent white Christian people from "entering their business"?  Prevent them from logging in at all, or for expressing their views on a media designed to express views?  Absolutely they say. They can censor if they want, because they own the site you see.

The Sexual Revolution Slave Hustle
  1.  The left forced us to agree by way of an unconstitutional liberal Supreme Court decision that a woman's body was her own in 1973 and she can abort if she wants. By law, the babies became slaves to the mothers who could kill them at will.
  2.  My how the liberal mind expands. The left today fills our TV with filth seducing our young girls to give up their chastity promising them no pregnancy with a pill, then liberals says liberal school officials can take this oops of a pregnant girl for an abortion, to kill a baby, without her parents even knowing, but Roy Moore cannot morally take the same girl to NOT have sex with but to marry her. They force the parents against their will when it comes to their daughter, and they try to destroy the career of a gentleman like Roy Moore.
  3.  Meanwhile, all taxpayers should support Planned Parenthood they say, or rather, Planned Infanticide.

The Progressive Tax Slave Hustle
  1.  The left force many of us against our will to have Social Security in the 1930's.  It was only going to be 1% of our income with our employers paying another 1%. In total: 2%. All Americans became work slaves to the government during our lifetimes in providing for others, and then slaves for handouts after retirement from the sweat of a younger generation.
  2.   My how the liberal mind expands. Today's take on Social Security is over 15% when both sides are added up and no end in sight to its expansion.
  3.   Meanwhile, government taking our own money for our own retirement has grown into the 1960's Great Society where government takes our money to care for the "poor women and children" of our society with welfare, takes our money for care on the federal government level now of our education by brainwashing of our kids, and takes our money to care for the our health care of others as of 2010's.

The Roy Moore days
were much better

Roy Moore, a man from a past generation, is being judged by today's millennial standards.

My mother married when she was 15 to my father who was 25. He was an honorable man who had 5 children with my mother and remained faithful with her until she died of cancer. My grandmother was 14 when she married and stayed with my grandfather until he died late in life.

In the new-found Puratism of Liberalism, millennial women "virtuously" hold off and marry at 25 (but don't mention the fact that these women then divorce by 28.)

(The scare quotes around virtuously is because they are not virtuous. These lib woman are sleeping around like hoes)

The 14 and 15-year-old knew better what was in a man's heart, than a modern womanvof today.

The 14 and 15-year-old girl of old did not have sex before marriage and did not give sex out to any man outside marriage.

The men back then knew this and respected it.

They also knew if they "broke it, they bought it".  That is, an impregnated woman was an automatic wedding proposal.

The 25-year-old millennial woman gives sex out by the third date in all her relationships over the previous 10 years. When she becomes pregnant, she aborts the child created.

By age 25, she desires to marry, then divorces 3-years later when her husband finds out she had been sleeping around on him, as screwing another man seems natural to her since she was never tied down to any one man before.  Or, she finds her husband is sleeping around with her married best friend who also failed to see the immorality in the situation and who also fails to think sleeping around with a man is anything but normal.

Which morality is best suited for families?  

A Christian morality or a secular immorality?

That of the modern woman or that of the generation and character of Judge Roy Moore?

Seems to me that liberals are finally waking up to the truth civilizations have known for thousands of years.  (Leaving aside the rape of underaged girls by Jews like Roman Polansky, Woody Allen, Harvey Weinstein, and rape-island King Jeffery Epstein)

The pill may keep you from getting pregnant and an abortion may fix a jam you got yourself in, but fidelity in marriage is timeless.


Because I believe that even in the court of public opinion a fellow American deserves due process, unlike too many out there, until all the facts were in, I kept my mouth shut about the allegations against Senate candidate Roy Moore.

Rather than immediately cave to the corrupt media and #NeverTrump’s tribal pressure to do the right thing and denounce the Alabama Republican… I waited — I waited because the media lies. I waited because #NeverTrump lies. And now that all the evidence is in, we know that the allegations against Moore are either completely trumped up, an act of outright fraud, or full of massive holes.


Beverly Nelson

Nelson is a straight up forger and liar. She altered a document (the infamous yearbook) but only told us so after she got caught, after both she and her attorney Gloria Allred (see the videos here) told us Roy Moore had written what Nelson now admits she wrote (Moore denies writing any of it). That is the textbook definition of forgery.

Anyone who calls what Nelson did anything other than a forgery is spreading fake news. Nelson also claims she had no contact with Moore after the alleged incident in the late 70s. But Moore was the judge who ruled against her in a 1999 divorce. Moreover, the divorce papers signed by Moore have that very same mysterious “D.A.” that appears after the yearbook signature — which puts the signature itself well into the realm of reasonable doubt.

Anyone who gives Nelson’s assault allegations any credence is engaging in partisan tribalism.

Tina Johnson

Johnson told the left-wing that Moore groped her backside in 1991 while she was in his office “on legal business” because her “mother had hired Moore to handle the custody petition.”

Yeah, no.

The truth is that Moore represented Johnson’s mother in a nasty custody battle that pitted mother against daughter — and Moore’s accuser is the one who lost. It was only later, after’s reporting was fact-checked, that we learned the entire truth, that “Moore’s client filed numerous court documents with allegations against Johnson. In one affidavit, Cofield stated that Johnson ‘has a violent nature and has been treated by a psychiatrist when she was approximately 15 years of age.’”’s claim that Johnson was in Moore’s office because her “mother had hired Moore to handle the custody petition” is a massive lie of omission. How are we supposed to believe any other part of this story when it opens with lies?

Leigh Corfman

Corfman told the left-wing Washington Post that Moore molested her as a 14-year-old. The Post then spun a narrative about how this molestation had immediately sent Corfman into a spiral of “drinking, drugs, boyfriends, and a suicide attempt when she was 16.”

There is just one problem: that is a lie, and contemporaneous court records prove it.

Dating Teenagers

While I personally am uncomfortable with a 32-year-old man dating 16 and 17-year-olds, it is not only not illegal (the age of consent was and is 16 in Alabama), it was not at all uncommon in the South 40 years ago. Moore did not break the law. He did not violate social mores. These allegations are not allegations, they are a way for a corrupt media to fraudulently pad the number of Moore’s accusers to a shocking number.

There is so much reasonable doubt here, so much fraud and lying on the part of the Washington Post,, and Beverly Nelson, that it would take a jury about eight-minutes to acquit, and that is only if you include seven-minutes for lunch.

The pressure the media and the political establishment put on decent people to denounce a fellow human being (especially an anti-establishment Southern Republican) is enormous, but decent people cannot be quislings who, without knowing all the facts, run from the tension in favor of an immoral peace.

This is America, and in America we do not consign a fellow human being to historical infamy based on questionable allegations. I have said the same about Woody Allen. I have said the same about Bryan Singer. I have said the same about George Takei.

And because I waited before joining the mob, I can say it about Roy Moore without having to first pull my foot out of my cowardly mouth.


Like most of us, Roy Moore is a flawed man. There are things about him I admire (his unapologetic faith, his service in Vietnam). There are things about him that trouble me (the way he talks about gays and Muslims). Nevertheless, if I lived in Alabama, I would still vote for him with a perfectly clear conscience.

A lot of people who despise Christians are questioning the Christianity of those supporting Roy Moore. This is a cynical attempt at emotional blackmail, but let me go ahead and explain the obvious anyway…

The choice between flawed men like Donald Trump and Roy Moore and 99 percent of Democrats is a shockingly easy one for any Christian, because it is the choice between pragmatism and slavery.

Look at the left and our media today, look at just how far these fascists are willing to go to enslave us by means of the state and social pressure…

1) Although they told us gay marriage would have no effect on our lives, the left are now using the powers of the state to force Christian bakers and florists to choose between staying in business or participating in the sacramentalization of a sin that is a same-sex wedding. The state forcing you to do work you do not want to do is the textbook definition of slavery.

2) Through the power of the state, the left is demanding all of us, including the Little Sisters of the Poor, violate our conscience through the providing of birth control and abortion pills.

3) The media is pressuring everyone to REVEAL YOUR POLITICS.

4) Social Justice Warriors on social media bullied a troubled porn star into suicide for expressing a healthy caution about performing with men who have had sex with other men. So much for “My body, my choice.”

5) Your twelve-year-old daughter will look at the mentally ill man’s penis.

This is the left now, folks…

You will bake the cake, you will pay for abortions, you will have sex with gay men, you will tell us how you voted, and your child will look at the penis…

These people are monsters, and putting a flawed man in power over a monster is a ridiculously easy choice for any Christian, or any person of conscience.


The world is not perfect. People are not perfect. God Himself has oftentimes chosen the wildly imperfect to do His work. The saints were not all saints, not even close. Look it up. I am in no way suggesting that God chose Roy Moore, but that God is pragmatic enough to choose the imperfect is a lesson that should not be lost on those of us having our Christianity questioned by self-righteous secularists.

And when faced with such a binary choice…

I choose the imperfect over cake baking.

I choose pragmatism over slavery.

And I easily choose Roy Moore over a wild-eyed leftist like Doug Jones.

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You can read further at Guide to "Checks and Balances"
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Article located at:

Last Hope for America
Christian Libertarian: Harmonious Union
Church and State

The Christian Solution ©             First Release: March 15, 2008