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February 2016 AD

Trump NOT Worthy

Trump being elected by the MSM

What Does It mean for Trump

Trump is a wanna-be dictator

Just because Democrats think dictatorial Presidents like Obama are the only way to achieve results...

Just because Democrats believe dictatorial Supreme Court decisions which Americans have never favored now nor during the time of the Founders are the only way to achieve results...

Does not mean Republicans should elect a Trump Democrat who wants to be a dictator.

Narcissism is a huge character flaw conservatives notice in President Obama, but with Trump, not so much. America needs a leader who loves America more than he loves himself.

Ted Cruz seems to have this "my way or the highway" mentality as well. At least Cruz may be a dictator a little more aligned with what we would actually want...
      (so long as the Jews running Goldman Sachs agrees).

But Rand Paul is the meekest Christian politician you will ever find.

Rand Paul shows how Christian meekness does not mean you have to roll over in your beliefs or that you have to bulldoze anyone in your path to accomplish what needs to be done, or you have to verbally abuse your opponent.

Rand Paul is the true negotiator, not Trump.

Rand Paul is the true defender of America and Christianity, not Cruz.

Rand Paul is indeed a political martyr.

No other politician has as much right to bloviate, point fingers, and say "I told you so", but the Pauls just keep right on voting their Christian and patriotic conscience, while speaking with measured rational forethought.

Trump is an illiterate Christian

When Obama said America had 57 States, his Freudian slip exposed him for thinking of the world's 57 Muslim countries, instead of America's 50 States.

Rand Paul knows the importance of the 50 States and why most everyday political decisions never need to go higher than the States, indeed, most decisions not higher than the individual.

When Trump says "Two Corinthians" instead of "Second Corinthians", he exposed his serious lack of Christian belief, and a lack of moral grounding always deemed so essential to American rule.

It’s odd that prominent evangelicals like Dr. Jerry Falwell, Jr. endorsed a man who once said he couldn’t recall ever seeking God’s forgiveness saying he just tries “to make it right…I don’t bring God into that picture…” It’s amazing these leaders actually believe an unprincipled man who seems to have no problem breaking marital vows and brags about helping married women break theirs would keep his promise to be a defender of Christianity.

Yes, we are not electing a preacher, and indeed Ted Cruz PREACHES AGAINST CHRISTIANS (I will not stand with (you persecuted Christians) if (you persecuted Christians) do not stand with Israel), but Rand Paul would be the happy medium of the three, having neither extreme problem.

Trump would not consider Christian beliefs at all.

Ted Cruz would do the opposite, as he has made it abundantly clear that he would favor the Judaic State religion of Israel over all other religions, including Christianity.

Rand Paul would rule America with his deep Christian beliefs, but would not impose them upon others.

Trump cannot be Faithful

Back when Republicans had principles, Bill Clinton's infidelity and Hillary Clinton's enabling of his infidelity was huge news.

So how can we put a candidate up against Hillary who admits to being a worst cad than her own husband ever dreamed of being?

Boasting about his sexual exploits with married women in his book “The Art of the Comeback,”Trump bragged, “If I told the real stories of my experiences with women,often seemingly very happily married and important women, this book would be a guaranteed best-seller…” Trump’s appeared on the Howard Stern show multiple times discussing his female conquests in a way that might even make Bill Clinton blush. Maybe.

Someone who is not faithful to the one with which they had proposed a commitment of lifetime marriage, will certainly not be faithful to you either.

Yes, personal character is a better insight into the man than political character.

Since, Trump has NEVER held political office, his personal character is paramount to deciding his worthiness for office.

And yet, politically, Trump has already already proved himself profoundly unfaithful.

He donated tons of money to the Hillary campaign; an opponent whom we are supposed to believe is his arch enemy, indeed, our worst enemy.

Obama is well known to be a traitor to this country, but Trump is a traitor in his own right.

Sure Ronald Reagan was a Democrat before becoming a Republican.

Many become wiser with age, but this was not really the case, as Ronald Reagan rightfully claims that his beliefs did not change so much as the beliefs of the Democrat Party had radically changed.  By the time of Ronald Reagan, the Democrat Party was no longer that of JFK, but that of Michael Dukakis.

As for Trump, even well into his age of wisdom, well after the Democrat Party had morphed  into full Socialist mode, Trump was a staunch Democrat supporter.

We are not talking of the 2 decade conversion of Reagan, we are talking of a Trump who was firmly in the enemy camp in just the last election cycle.

A woman should not marry an adulterous man who trades trophy wives with abandon and parades them as trophys, anymore than a voter should vote for a politically adulterous politician.

Ted Cruz's wife may have an adulterous relationship with Jewish-owned Goldman Sachs, but there has been no whiff of marital problems for Rand Paul nor his equally moral father, Ron Paul.

Constitutionally, under terms of natural born citizen, Ted Cruz is deemed faithful to his birth country of Canada and deemed faithful to his father's country of Cuba, and so cannot constitutionally be trusted to be faithful to America.

Rand and Ron Paul have equally been faithful in their marriages to their wives, have been faithful to their Christian beliefs, and have been faithful to their country of America.

Why This Female
Cannot Support
Donald Trump

How any female in America could support Donald Trump, the American version of former Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, is beyond me.

Call me old school, but I have a real problem electing a man to public office who the Washington Post reported has a “Twitter feed and history of public comments” describing women as a “dog,” “fat” and “disgusting.” Even still, some conservatives give him a pass. I know. We’re electing a president, not a pastor. Or at least that’s what we hear from certain evangelical leaders who think it’s okay to endorse a “Biblically-illiterate strip club owner” who trades his wives in for newer models, as Freedom Outpost described in their January 27 column.

How about electing a president with principles, that is, assuming principles still matter?

Sure, presidents are just people who put their pants on one leg at a time like we do, but am I asking too much to have a president who has a history of keeping his pants on? Conservatives had a lot to say about Bill Clinton’s improprieties when he was in office and they still do. In 1994, the LA Times reported the late evangelist Jerry Falwell, Sr. marketed a video “featuring an assortment of allegations involving President Clinton ranging from sexual misconduct to murder…” My, how far from the tree some have fallen.

Boasting about his sexual exploits with married women in his book “The Art of the Comeback,”Trump bragged, “If I told the real stories of my experiences with women,often seemingly very happily married and important women, this book would be a guaranteed best-seller…” Trump’s appeared on the Howard Stern show multiple times discussing his female conquests in a way that might even make Bill Clinton blush. Maybe.

It’s odd that prominent evangelicals like Dr. Jerry Falwell, Jr. endorsed a man who once said he couldn’t recall ever seeking God’s forgiveness saying he just tries “to make it right…I don’t bring God into that picture…” It’s amazing these leaders actually believe an unprincipled man who seems to have no problem breaking marital vows and brags about helping married women break theirs would keep his promise to be a defender of Christianity.

Trump’s decision to not participate in the Fox News-Google debate simply because he believes he was treated unfairly by a female is troubling in that it displays how terribly self-involved he is and vindictive toward whomever he perceives as his “enemy.” Narcissism is a huge character flaw conservatives notice in President Obama, but with Trump, not so much. America needs a leader who loves America more than he loves himself.

Given the recent evangelical Christian endorsements, it’s starting to get lonely out there as a believer, but I cannot in good conscience endorse Trump – even if I am the last Christian standing. Yes, I will vote, because that’s my duty as an American. But I cannot endorse a man who spent his lifetime supporting progressives and espousing just about everything I don’t believe, while simultaneously gaming the political system to pad his wallet. I also have grave concerns about his mean-spirited, uncontrolled speech and relentless flip-flopping.

Of course, no candidate is perfect. But some are less flawed than others. Let us remember that “earthly” kings and presidents will always fall short. The longing we have inside for justice and righteousness will never be satisfied by looking at another human. So look up. Seek truth and don’t allow anger to overcome reason or common sense.

Even as distasteful as a Trump Presidency is for me to consider, I am reminded that Jesus, who was known as a friend of sinners, would seek an audience with Donald Trump to remind him that there is a reason why it is easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than a rich man to find peace with God.If Trump found that peace, he might be unstoppable.

Susan Stamper Brown Susan resides in Alaska and writes about culture, politics and current events. Her columns are syndicated by Contact her by Facebook or at

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