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February 2014 AD

Anchorman 2 is Foxy!

The movie itself is an ironic reversal of its own moral of the story.

Anchorman 2, the Legend Continues is a movie -- "you don't want, but one you need".

This satire on the creation of the 24-hour news channels is certainly not recommended as any  worthwhile form of entertainment by this site, even if you like this form of mindless humor made famous by the far more original and fresh first Anchorman, but it does make for good commentary on how our Main Stream Media (MSM) news is presented to us by our Judeo-Elites, and that part is highly recommended -- so long as you view it through the proper perspective of course.

Always good to watch our Judeo-MSM media mocks itself -- even if it is just the liberal side of the coin mocking the conservative side of the same coin.

The character of Ron Burgundy (Will Farrell) is a washed up anchorman thinking his luck has turned for the better when he is asked to be an anchor for the world's first 24-hour news channel -- unbeknown to him, an anchor on the little watched graveyard shift.

The fake Global News Network (GNN) Burgundy joins will satire the real CNN in name only -- the obvious target of ridicule being the Fox News channel.

For instance, the GNN owner Kench Appleby is not portrayed mocking the easily mocked Southerner Ted Turner of liberal CNN fame, nor did it seem to portray the even more liberal MSNBC in any form, but instead the owner is portrayed as a caricature of an Australian with a heavy accent, which makes an obvious tie to Rupert Murdock of Fox fame -- a half-Jew from Australia. 

There were more indications that this movie was a spoof of Fox, such as the most quotable quote of the movie...

 "We will report on things that people
want to hear
as opposed to
what they
need to hear"

And what did Americans want to hear after decades of never-ending droning from all the other MSM outlets how America was the world's most wasteful nation, the most racist, the most sexist, the most backwards, the most homo-phobe, whose poor class is the most put upon, yada-yada-yada.

That's right, Fox News told Americans what they wanted to hear -- that they were a special nation among nations and a special people among peoples; that our military was put in place to be a force for good in the evil corrupt world; that Christmas is not a naughty word; and not the least -- that they had been put upon by the liberals in the MSM for far too long.

The response of course?  This movie to guilt patriotic Americans even more by mocking the Fox News they have largely chosen to watch over all others.

By telling Americans what they want to hear, Ron Burgundy becomes America's News anchor hero.

The obvious take from this idea that a news "corporation" should give its viewers what they want is a ground shattering event. Any other corporation selling any service from tires to carpet cleaning, who had spat on its customers for decades, would have long ago filed for bankruptcy, thus showing how the vile, evil and contemptuous former Judeo-MSM had a judeo-monopoly control over the Christian populace.

Further highlighting the Fox News bent is the scuttle-butting of the Koala Airlines piece about parts of the airline falling off in a segment to be call "Death from Above". You see, the owner of GNN also owns Koala, so this was a no-no, which supposedly represents a Fox News who is "too" business friendly.

Being "too" business friendly is strange considering the fact that  all the other stations get the lion's share of business advertising.

All the more strange still if you had ever watched a pharmaceutical hit piece, such as the movie "The Constant Gardener". Big Phara donates billions of dollars to the advertising bottom line of America's MSM Judeo-elites and they still take the heat almost as much as the ever-maligned oil industry.

Back to the movie, we see a big interview of Yasser Arafat done by Burgundy's ex, the biggest interview of her career, high-jacked by a routine car chase Burgundy decides  out of the  blue to headline.

Again , an example of what America  wants  -- not what it "needs".

After all, who really cares about stability in the Middle East other than Jews?

Well of course, there are the Christians who have been brainwashed by Jesus-denying Jews in the MSM into thinking that Crusading Jews who deny Jesus in Israel are worth defending more than say -- 7 million Ukrainian Christians under Stalin's Jewish henchman Lazar Kanganovich in the Holodomor.

But in fact, Americans are more concerned about the safety of their own neighborhoods and the car chase was of more interest than missiles  raining down upon  Israel -- or one more bloody military coup in Sub-Saharan Africa -- or one more famine in Bangladesh.

The message for you take take away from the film is that you are boorishly selfish to worry about your own safety here in this country when there is the safety of Jews in Israel to worry about.

As you would expect, this Judeo-movie finally comes to the conclusion that Fox News, er. GNN, is superficial and misleading -- and that Koala Airlines is a bad company.

Commentary as you would expect from this site points out that this Judeo-movie  mocks a fellow conglomerate, New York City based, news outlet in the Judeo-News monopoly, who is straying too far from the Judeo-party line. 

The moral of this message is for Fox News to cut it out, to stop telling you positive news about your faith, country and lifestyle, which undermines their carefully laid propaganda script, and the message for you is to help them reign in Fox News.

Hah!  When is there going to be a big-time movie to mock this site?


IMDB : Anchorman 2, The Legend Continues

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