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Jan 8, 2012 AD

One Third of the Holocaust

I will summarize what I can surmise of the Holocaust facts in question.

Buchenwald segment

During WW2, America had a psychological warfare department ran by - guess who - the Jews. Makes sense - who are the best liars one can find? This effort was focused against the Germans we were fighting.

By lying to the Germans, we were also deceived.

But PsyOps were also lying directly to American citizens as well, by portraying Germans as the "evil Huns" to the American public, so we would keep up our fighting moral; by psychological warfare operatives rationalizing our own American atrocities like the firebombing of Dresden or nuclear attacks against civilians in Japan; and by psychological warfare operatives cleverly hiding the fact that Judeo-Soviet Russians, our allies, had committed the Katyn Forest Massacre, so we would keep them as an ally, or that the Russians themselves had invaded Poland the same time Germany did.

When the first "camps" were discovered, the first thing General Eisenhower did was have PsyOps, led by an biased Jew whose very job title was "liar", enter the compound.

PsyOps planted fake evidence of "Nazi atrocities" like fake lampshades made of human skin and shrunken heads from South America

This had to have been a pre-planned PsyOps operation, and was already screenplayed by Ben Hecht.

The water supply had been cut off weeks before American troops arrived and in the unwashed filthy conditions with a cut off food supply, typhus had ravaged the camp, killing many.

Among the living skeletons then when we arrived, we gave them too rich a diet, too fast, and many died that way as well. We killed thousands of them.

The 1,000 dead bodies from our over-feeding were stacked up as evidence of German atrocities. The film documentary from Hollywood producer Billy Wilder shows the bodies being stacked "like cord-wood" -- in front of American troops -- so it was us who stacked them.

Eisenhower then had the town of Wiemar marched 4 miles to the camp with a film crew showing the march. Not knowing where they were going, the film crew was able to crack a joke or cat-call to the pretty German girls to get the ladies to smile and laugh for the camera. Of course, that was to be used against them later.

The film crew "documented" the German citizens seeing the stacked bodies and the faked exhibit of atrocities and documented the Germans now crying.

The completed "documentary", the first Holocaust movie, was directed by Billy Wilder, a biased Jewish Hollywood producer, born and raised in Germany, who left Germany from a hatred of Hitler.

The reason and motive for the "documentary" was to "de-nazify" Germany. To make them and the world abhor Fascism so much that they would return to being peaceful docile German people.

Morganthau segment

The Morganthau Plan was to move Germans out of cities and factories to make them unskilled, manual, docile farmers.

Hence, the "killing factories" of the concentration camp system was the propaganda to accomplish this.

According to the propaganda, the Germans converted an advanced baking oven into a crematorium to burn Jews. In fact, the company in question never made baking ovens.

The idea was that the world could not trust Germans with technology anymore.

The Morganthau Plan was to move Germans out of their cities and factories and back into subsistence farming, so they would not be able to "start" another World War. (I scare quote the word "start" because the Jews were the real motive behind the World Wars.)

The Cold War changed our minds about sending the Germans back to the stone age, as it was too hard o hide the fact that Stalin was always far worst then Hitler and we needed them.

Eisenhower used this publicity to help him get elected President (over the true patriot Macarthur) and the PsyOps guys were everywhere in Holocaust documentation.

One third of the Holocaust Segment

Episode 1: Introduction: Shows how Treblinka, Sobibor and Belzec were 1/3 of the Holocaust count

The author of the Holocaust denial series right away tells us that his material was derived from authoritative sources, not from newspapers, Hollywood holocaust movies, or TV. His sources are straight from the American and Israeli Holocaust Museums, Raul Hilberg's book and Yitzhak Arad's books.

Holocaust writer Professor Raul Hilberg wrote the definitive history of the Holocaust called "The Destruction of the European Jew" published in 1961, revised in 1985. In his book, he documents two major Holocaust "death camps". The first is Auschwitz with 1 million and the other is the Reinhard camps of Treblinka, Belzec, and Sobibor with 1.5 million. So, the focus of this segment would be on the 1.5 million which is 1/3 of the 5.1 million Hilberg documented on page 1219.

At Treblinka, 750,000 were gassed then cremated. 700,000 of them were buried and then dug up again between being gassed and cremated. At all three camps 1.5 million with 1.3 of them being buried and later dug up when Germany started to lose the war.

The sources for Hilberg's book were Jankiel Wiernik's book "One Year in Treblinka: An inmate who escaped tells the day-to-day facts of one year of his torturous experience", published by the General Jewish Worker's Union of Poland. Wiernik was a Union worker published by a union worker. From the Wienik book comes the story of the bodies being dug up, stating that women burn easier than men and were used as kindling for the fires. Wienik suggests that human bodies burn spontaneously with only a match - probably not true. He states that the Germans had Satanic smiles as they drank choice liquors - both over the top in biased documenting and questionable that German soldiers could drink on duty, let alone enjoying it with thousands of pounds of rotting flesh. He claims he was shot with a bullet that penetrated his clothing but stopped at his skin - not possible.

All in all, Wiernik's book is a fraud, but Hilberg quotes from it 5 times.

Would another Holocaust writer use Wiernik as a source?

Yitzhak Arad wrote "Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka: The Operation Reinhard Death Camps". Arad was the head of Israel's Holocaust museum called Yad Vashem from 1972-1980, the most important position in the world of Holocaust. He was also a Brigadier General in the Israeli army, so he would know about fires, gun, soldier discipline and such.

Yet, Arad also quoted from the fraudulent Wiernik book 24 pages by name.

Episode 2: Water Well:

Yitzhak Arad documents 700,000 rotting dead bodies in trenches dug deeper than the water table surrounding the water well would have contaminated it. Germans would have been smarter about this.

Episode 3: Haircut:

Abraham Bomba the barber described, in 1990, cutting women's hair before they were gassed in Treblinka. Why the need for a haircut if the point was to get gassed and thrown into a pit? A more truthful view for the haircuts is that removing all hair was good for controlling lice long term to prevent typhus and louse, which suggests a humane act, not a barbaric act. By disinfecting new arrivals, these arrivals could not contaminate the entire work camp with lice and typhus. Having them strip naked would be another measure for lice, fleas, bedbugs and such.

At the Nuremberg trials, there was only one eyewitness for the 1.5 million deaths. one witness for 1/3rd of the Holocaust. Samuel Rajzman witnessed that the hair was to be used in the manufacture of mattresses for German women. Humm...only German women and not men. But he was not challenged on this and no human hair mattresses were ever found.

Episode 4: Engine Exhaust:

One of the most convincing segments against the Holocaust.

Hilberg documents a 200-horsepower, 8-cylinder engine from a captured Soviet tank was used at Sobibor for killing carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide exhaust to gas the Jews.

Problem is that a diesel engine makes a lot of carbon soot, but very little carbon monoxide and also sends a lot of oxygen out the exhaust unreacted. Not an efficient killing machine.

Why would efficient Germans use a old Russian Diesel engine as a killing machine? Diesel engines spews lots of carbon soot, but very little of the poison carbon monoxide. With the oil fields of Russia and the Middle East cut off, and Germany having to make very expensive ethanol fuel, they would not have wasted fuel needed for tanks and trucks.

In fact, a far better source of carbon monoxide would have been the charcoal burning engines Germans were routinely using in their everyday lives.

Wood gas, or producer gas is basically carbon monoxide created by heating incoming oxygen to break the oxygen molecule apart, then passing this through charcoal to react with carbon, making carbon monoxide. This would have been an efficient killing gas.

And the wood gas was quite abundant in petroleum-starved Germany, because many Germans used the flammable wood gas to run their machines. There were 1/2 million of these running vehicles at the time.

The concentration levels of carbon monoxide using the wood gas method is at a 100x greater level with a far simpler design than to use a diesel engine.

Of course, Hilberg suggest the Germans were too stupid to know this - the same Germans who won practically every Nobel Prise in Chemistry prior to WW2.

Another major problem with the Soviet tank engine is the problem of a Soviet manual and Soviet spare parts for maintenance and upkeep for such a "critical task".

Episode 5: Nuremberg:

Turns out that "The Trial of The Major War Criminals" before "The International Military Tribunal" at "Nuremberg" (Nov 14, 1945 to Oct 1, 1946) was little more than a show trial.

The trial lasted for 215 days with over 1,000 hours of testimony. What is interesting is that for the 1.5 million suspected deaths at the Reinhard Death Camps, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, 1/3 of the Holocaust, there was a grand total of 20 minutes of courtroom time dedicated to it with no cross examination for the record.

A search of the Yale Law School on-line Avalon Project for Nuremberg transcripts for Belzec (Camp Belsen) is only two sentences saying that electrified floors were used as a method of killing. Julius Streicher was sentenced to death because he wrote really mean things about Jews in his articles to "Der Stuermer".

A search for Sobibor (spelled Camp Sobibur) shows one hit which was a one paragraph statement saying when it was founded and saying that extermination started at the beginning of 1943.

A search for Treblinka gets 57 hits, many of which are duplicates.

Chief Counselor of Justice L.N. Smirnov (Assistant Prosecutor for the USSR) reads in testimony from Jacob Vernik, a Treblinka survivor. Problem is that "Jacob Vernik" is the same guy with his name spelled differently who wrote the fraudulent book "A Year in Treblinka" by "Yankiel Wiernik". Nuremberg was getting their information from his book - no opportunity for cross examination.

On the 69th day of the Nuremberg Trial, the only survivor to ever testify in person at Nuremberg for 1/3rd of the Holocaust was Samuel Rajzman. He testified on the witness stand for only 15 minutes.

In a bizarre exchange, the Soviet prosecutor asks a question about a street. Rajzman offers a map he made of the camp at Treblinka and both the English Judge who was the presiding President of the proceeding and the Soviet prosecutor turned down his offer of presenting evidence. The only witness to 1.5 million deaths and the two team up to prevent him from documenting Treblinka.

Again, his testimony was about cutting hair for mattresses which were never found and no one questioned if the haircuts were for lice control to prevent typhus.

But he was lying the minute he hit the witness stand. Right after taking his oath to tell the truth he testifies that he was taken from the Warsaw ghetto in August 1942. But he had previously testified to the House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs hearing that he was removed from the Warsaw ghetto on September 17th. His testimony changed because his September 17th date does not correspond to German train transport records written in Yitzhak Arad's book -- minor details.

Another problem was the dual atrocities of being transported in cattle cars and having people suffocate - cattle cars are designed to be ventilated because they don't want their cattle to suffocate.

Rajzman testified about a "Lazarett" killing that could only have been something he heard second hand, hearsay, not admissible in a normal courtroom, or just something he made up. And throwing a little girl into the "oven" was impossible because Treblinka was said to have used fire pits.

In Hilberg's book and at the Holocaust Museum, there is no mention of little girls getting thrown into ovens, simply because it was not true. With the easily detected lies, the defendants' counsel refused to cross examine the only witness to 1/3rd of the Holocaust.

In the end, the reason for Rajzman's testimony to be cut short is because his testimony did not match the topography or workings of the Treblinka camp and contained other falsehoods the judges did not want exposed. Could there have been an agenda in place with a story to tell?

In testimony to the House of Representatives, Rajzman, the only witness to Treblinka, testifies that 2,774,000 Jews were killed at Treblinka. While Hilberg in his 1961 book documents 750,000. He was only off by a statistical error of 2 million Jews!

Regardless about the veracity of Rajzman's testimony, Hilberg still references him in his 1961 book. Seems that Hilberg believed that if he could find a plausible argument in an otherwise perjurerous and fraudulent testimony, never cross-examined, then he could us it in his book.

There was another testimony about Treblinka at the Nuremberg trial.

Rudolf Franz Ferdinand Hoess, was head of the Auschwitz camp, but said a few things about Treblinka.

Col. John Harlan Amen, a prosecutor and head of the OCC Interrogation Division, read Hoess confession. Hoess was later turned over to Poland and was executed.

In his confession he said that he was appointed Commandant of Auschwitz from 1940 to December 1943, where 2,500,000 victims were executed by gassing and burning and another 500,000 died from starvation and disease, for a total of 3 million dead. This accounts for 70 or 80% of the total dead.

Even with his confession of 3 million dead, the U.S. Holocaust museum says only 1.1 million died in total. Why confess to three times the number of dead?

This is where the famous "final solution" came about. Hoess gives false testimony. He talks about his orders to establish extermination camps at Auschwitz in June 1941, saying that three other camps already existed at Belzec, Treblinka and Wolzek. Wolzek is a fictional place while he does not mention Sobibor. Another problem in Hoess's testimony was the time of the camps construction. From Yitzhek Arad's book, the construction of the first of three camps, Belzek, did not begin until November 1, 1941, but Hoess says all three were in existence by June 1941. Hoess testified that he visited Treblinka and thought the carbon monoxide gas was not efficient. He decided to use Cyklon B, a Crystallized prussic acid, dropped into the death chamber from a small opening.

Total time Nuremberg spent on the Reinhart Death Camps?

  • Samual Rajzman : 15 min
  • Rudolf Hoess : 3.5 min
  • Yankel Wiernik (AKA Jacob Vernik) : 1.5 min
  • Belzec Electric Floor : .5 min
  • Sobibor 2 sentences : .5 min
  • Total time in 215 days of trial : 21 minutes
21 minutes and most of it untrue.

We have talked about how Nuremberg is about as reputable as Stalin's show trials were.

Nuremberg was an American show trial.

Episode 6: Treblinka Gassing Building:

Treblinka was an improbably inefficient German design for killing so many.

In a 6 month period, 750,000 Jews were said to have been gassed in a single building.

This gassing building was constructed with a stair to one single wide entry door leading into a hallway running the entire length of the building, with 6 doors leading into 6 smaller rooms the size of a bedroom (12ft by 12ft), 3 on each side.

Worst, German soldiers would be required to be in the hallway with the Jews insuring they went into the rooms, to make sure the hallway was clear before the gassing started in the small rooms.

A good question is why would the Germans have designed such a building?

A better design would have been no stairs, no hallway, no small rooms, but instead, two double-wide entry doors leading straight into two large rooms, and the building enlarged to handle the entire 2,000 people arriving in each train load.

Think about the magnitude of people to process. This is 35 times as many people who attend a good-sized university of 30,000.

How do we know about this design? Hilberg documents that the information about the number and size of the gas chambers in each camp rests not on documentation, but from recollections of witnesses. He continues to say that he is "speculating" that each facility was designed from the same basic plan.

And where did the recollection of witnesses come from for Hilberg to quote? From none other than the fraud Jankiel Wiernik who wrote "A Year in Treblinka".

In the same manner Yitzhak Arad writes in his book that Belzec served as the model for the other two camps. So we are led to believe that the same inefficient, illogical "German" model we have described above was to be repeated twice more.

The population of San Francisco is around 750,000 people. So imagine all those people all going through one door, gassed, buried, re-dug up and then burned. Hard to believe.

Episode 7: Abraham Bomba the Barber

A witness AGAINST the Holocaust.

16 barbers with 170 people to get their hair cut in a room 12ft by 12ft? And it doubles as a gas chamber?

Why bother with cutting the hair of people you are just going to kill? Bomba the Barber says the hair was for transport back to Germany to make into mattresses. But Germany had lands all the way to Moscow by 1942, why not ship back sheep hair from the conquered territories which is far more insulating?

Bomba the Barber seems to confuse his timing sequence. He states that he has less than two minutes to cut the hair and when the gassing is complete in 5 minutes (itself too little time to suffocate people), it also took less than two minutes to clear the 170 dead bodies from the one room of the 6 rooms. Sorry, but it would take more than 5 minutes time just to clear the room of the the deadly gases before being safe to enter the room to remove the dead bodies.

Who want to discredit a really sad story?

Especially when he tells the interviewer that he knew a lot of the victims about to be gassed?

He said he knew the families and the neighbors.

Why describe Bomba the Barber's testimony? Because if you go to the US Holocaust Museum, his testimony is the one the Holocaust Museum features the most.

Bomba the Barber was a fraud.

Episode 8: Eliyahu Rosenburg

Another witness AGAINST the Holocaust

Rosenburg was an alleged Treblinka survivor. Testified at the 1961 Adolph Eichmann trial in Jerusalem where Eichmann was sentenced to death and also testified at the 1987 John Demjanjuk trial. At the Demjanjuk, there were many models of Treblinka, all made from the fraudulent "One Year in Treblinka" from the recollection of our ever present Jankel Wiernik.

In the 1961 Eichmann trial, Rosenburg's testimony directly conflicts with Bomba the Barber's testimony.

Rosenberg says that 400 people were jammed into the small rooms, not the 150 which Bomba the Barber says.

Rosenberg says that the Jews did not know why they were going into the room and did not want to go, even having to be bayoneted to make them enter; while Bomba the Barber says that there was a grand deception by the Germans to have the Jews believe they were going into the rooms to get "a nice haircut".

Rosenberg says that the gassing took 35 minutes; while Bomba the Barber says that the gassing only took 5 minutes.

Source: Witnesses to the Holocaust, the Trial of Adolf Eichmann on IMDb.

Episode 9: Reader's Digest

Both Arad and Hilberg identify a Jewish ceremonial curtain taken from an unidentified synagogue as hanging at the entrance to the gas chamber hallway. It was inscribed in Hebrew, "This is the Gateway to God, Righteous men will pass through".

And as always the Fraud Yankel (Jacob) Wiernik on this page as well.

Why would the Germans place such a covering to the entrance to a bathhouse?

Looking at the February 1943 edition of Reader's Digest, there was an article entitled "Remember Us" by Ben Hecht.

This article stated that "by the end of the war the Jewish Population would be reduced from a minority to a phantom".

Years before the war is actually over, at a time the main chambers at Auschwitz were still under construction, the article states, "Of these 6,000,000 Jews almost a third have been massacred by Germans, Romanians and Hungarians..."

Was Ben Hecht a high government official with insider information, or stationed in Europe with spies providing him German planning details?

Well, not exactly!

Ben Hecht was a Hollywood script writer. If you look at IMDb his bio is immense.

Hecht was the first to introduce Americans to the Holocaust, but much of his writing was as fictional as his Hollywood scripts.

    Remember us

    "In the town of Freiburg in the Black Forest two hundred of us were hanged and left dangling out of our kitchen windows to watch our synagogue burn and our rabbi being flogged to death."
    Remember us

    "In Szczucin in Poland on the morning of September 23, which is the day set aside for our Atonement, we were in our synagogue praying God to forgive us. All our village was there. Above our prayers we heard the sound of motor lorries. They stopped in front of our synagogue. The Germans tumbled our of them, torches in hand, and set fire to us. When we ran out of the flames they turned machine guns on us. They seized our women and undressed them and made them run naked through the market place before their whips. All of us were killed before our Atonement was done. Remember us."
    Remember us

    "In Wloclawek also the Germans came when we were at worship. They tore the prayer shawls from our heads. Under whips and bayonets they made us use our prayer shawls as mops to clean our German latrines. We were all dead when the sun set. Remember us."

Truthful? Not if you read Raul Hilberg's three volume set entitled "Destruction of the European Jews"

Looking at each instance of "synagogue" in Hilberg's index, he only mentions civilian mobs burning synagogues in 1938 with no one trapped inside.

Ben Hecht's article during the war was pure war propaganda making Americans supportive of the war effort against the Germans.

So how did Ben Hecht obtain a death toll of 6 million before the last 4 million had been killed?

Easy, you just add up all the Jews previously living in Europe and just assume Hitler had them all killed.

Except that Ben Hecht's numbers were not right.

# Jews by CountryHilberg (1939)Ben HechtHilberg (1945)

Another problem is that Hilberg acknowledges that not all the Jews were killed. Some hide, some were not rounded up, some fled, some were not found, some immigrated, some left and then returned.

So Ben Hecht's, with all his mistakes, still has the correct 6 million number.

Later after the war, Ben Hecht turned his propaganda writing against the British to make the Americans want to help establish the nation of Israel.

Ben Hecht was part of a militant Jewish organization called the Irgan and wrote a play called, "A Flag is Born". In the David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies Dr. Rafael Medoff wrote a critique of Hecht's play.

    Dr. Medoff writes,
    "Into this volatile mix leaped the irrepressible Ben Hecht with his unique blend of drama and politics. By presenting the Palestine conflict in simple, dramatic images that ordinary Americans could easily understand and remember, "A Flag is Born" deepened American public antagonism toward England and sympathy for the Jewish revolt."

    "Hecht was aiming for England's Achilles heel. He understood that the Jewish battle for Independence was as much psychological warfare as it was a military struggle--that it was being fought in the court of world opinion and in the halls of Congress, at the same time that it was waged in the hills and valleys of the Holy Land."


    In the play's dramatic final moments, David [a distraught young survivor of the Treblinka death camp] delivers a stirring Zionist speech and marches off to fight for Jewish freedom in the Holy Land, holding a makeshift Zionist flag fashioned from Tevya's prayer shawl."

David, played by Marlon Brando, was the one who used the prayer shawl to create the Zionist flag.

    Dr. Medoff continues,
    Mocking the British description of the Jewish fighters as "terrorists", Hecht praised them as heroes, compared them to George Washington, and declared that there was widespread support for the Jewish militias among grassroots American Jews. "In the past 1,500 years, every nation of Europe has taken a crack at the Jews", Hecht wrote. This time the British are at bat. You [the Jews fighting Britain in Palestine] are the first answer that makes sense--to the New World. Every time you blowup a British arsenal, or wreck a British jail, or send a British railroad train sky high, or rob a British bank, or let go with your guns and bombs at the British betrayers and invaders of your homeland, the Jews of America make a little holiday in their hearts."

Great Britain's empire was left devastated at the end of WW2 fighting the "Great Jewish Satan", and now Great Britain was being called the "Great Jewish Satan".

In a word, Ben Hecht was a self-serving, deceitful, conniving, evil man.

So when Ben Hecht writes in Reader's Digest saying how Hitler was such an evil man and Churchill was a great man, are we to believe him then or are we to believe him later when he says that Churchill was an evil man?

Or are we to believe this lying Jewish screenwriter about ANYTHING he says about Christians ANYWHERE?

I am of the opinion that nothing he writes is believable.

After Israel was born, Ben Hecht turned his writing against the Jewish Israeli government, if you can believe that. His Irgun terrorist organization didn't think Israel had enough of the Promised Land and tried to bring in more weapons on the ship Altalena. The Israeli government sunk the ship.

    Ben Hecht writes,
    The Jewish government had called for the Irgun to help it stay alive against five enemy armies. But they would never dare welcome an Altalena loaded with enough arms to rescue beleaguered Jerusalem or to enable an army of victorious young Hebrews to sweep through Eretz-Israel and win the land on both sides of the Jordan! There would be no Hebrew nation. no room for cattle and grain, no cities, no freight yards, no ancient capital revived, no space for industry or destiny. There would be a beachhead called Israel, to which the Jews could cling, as they had always clung, like castaways."

Bottom line, the typical American do not have the ability to know when trusted magazines like Reader's Digest are feeding them self-serving propaganda like 6 million Jews being killed by Hitler.

Episode 10: Experiments

Stupid experiments Germans would not have done.

The gas chambers were only 2 meters high or about 6.6 ft. The Jews were often given towels, so why would the towels not be used to block the intake from the inlet? And if they had an inlet, then why no outlet? The exhaust could not have simply gone through cracks in the doors as the rooms were said to be hermetically sealed.

Arad tells of early experimentation on he insane, which emphasizes this point.

    Yitzhak Arad writes:
    "In a local lunatic asylum, a room with 20 to 30 of the insane was closed hermetically, and 2 pipes were driven into the wall. A car was parked outside, and one of the metal pipes that Dr. Widmann had brought connected the exhaust of the car to the pipe in the wall. The car engine was turned on and the carbon monoxide began seeping into the room. After 8 minutes, the people in the room were still alive. A second car was connected to the other pipe on the wall. The two cars were operated simultaneously, and a few minutes later all those in the room were dead."

The Germans doctors were doing great until they hooked another car up to their exhaust pipe. Both cars running would have equalized each other, blew NO CARBON MONOXIDE into the room and killed the engine on both cars as neither one would have been able to bring in more oxygen. Try stuffing a potato in the exhaust of a car and see what happens.

"Stupid Unworkable Experiment!" or much more likely, "Stupid Unworkable Propaganda!".

Of course, the propaganda helps anger American Christians in the horrible thoughts of killing innocent mentally insane.

Here is another one.

Dr. Widmann locked 25 mentally ill people into 2 bunkers in a forest outside Minsk. Took two explosions to kill everyone, so they decided that was not the way to go. And probably as well because Dr. Widmann used 400 kgs (900lbs) of explosive material. Shall we say OVERKILL! One pound of explosives should have been enough to have killed all 25, but the story is that it took two explosions. So 200 or 300 pounds of explosion was not enough?

So the explosive experiment was Hilberg and Arad propaganda as well since both of them document the same thing.

In another experiment documented by both Hilberg and Arad...

    ...tens of thousands of Jews from the Lodz area had already been killed there; they were buried in pits in a wooded area. The pits were opened, and the first experiments were carried out. Incendiary bombs were tried, but these caused large fires in the surrounding woods.

So dead bodies soaking underground were expected to catch fire? Silly thought!

Then there are design flaws in the actual working of the Holocaust.

Documenting that 12,000 to 15,000 people were annihilated each day works out to be around 1,200,000 pounds to haul.

How do you think the most technologically advanced country in the world handled hauling 1.2 million pounds each day at Treblinka?

    Yitzhak Arad writes:
    The hand-pushed trolley used to transfer the corpses to the pits would often derail and overturn, and it finally was decided to dispense with it altogether. Instead, the prisoners dragged the bodies by their feet to the ditches

    Yitzhak Arad writes:
    After experimenting with various methods of conveying the bodies, the Germans fixed upon stretchers as the fastest way. Two men carried the stretcher, which looked like a ladder with leather carrying straps.

    Yankel (Jacob) Wiernak writes:
    The work was hard, because we had to drag a corpse, in teams of two, for a distance of approximately a quarter of a mile. At times we tied ropes around the dead bodies to pull them to their graves.

You may tell yourself, "So what, the Germans had plenty of slave labor!"

But slaves still have to be fed, clothed, and housed. This inefficiency in the use of human labor is not what made the Germans a force to be feared.

Once again, the story sounds barbaric to the reader, but it would not be the way the Germans handled the situation.

Episode 11, 12, and 13: Treblinka Burial Space

The burial space was too small for the alleged number of dead

Calculations for the 1.36 million people at Treblinka, assuming that each body with a sand overlay of 7 inches gives .3408 cubic meters per person, arrives at 470,304 cubic meters needed for burial space.

Now Arad writes that the burial pits themselves were 50 meters long, 25 meters wide and 10 meters deep. Assuming that the bodies were at least 1 meter deep, leaves us with a height of 9 meters. This give us 50x25x9 = 11,250 cubic meters per pit.

How many pits needed to hold all the bodies? 470,304 / 11,250 = 41.8 pits needed.

In actuality only 21 pits were ever used because after 700,000 were buried, they switched to cremation.

Nope, still not going to buy the story, because the map of Treblinka only shows the equivalent of 4 pits matching that size.

Where are the other 17 Olympic Swimming pools sized pits?

Even cramming twice as many people together would still require 10 pits.

Where are the other 6 pits when the map does not show it?

Perhaps we are beginning to see why the judges at Nuremberg didn't want no stinking maps presented as evidence at their show trial.

Seems that the people who made up the stories are not too good at math.

The exact same problem with too little burial real estate space for the exaggerated number of deaths happened at both the Belzec and Sobibor Camps as well.

Episode 14: Shoah and Perchersky

On October 14, 1943, Alexander Pechersky, a Soviet-Jewish army officer, was the commander of the Sobibor uprising.

Using Perchersky's book as a source, Yitzhak Arad writes,

    Arad quoting from Perchersky's book "The Sobibor Revolt"
    One of the sick was a young man from Holland who could hardly stand on his feet. His wife, who was in the woman's barrack, found out where her husband was being taken, She threw herself at the Germans, screaming, "Murders! I know where you are taking my husband. Take me with him .I will not, you here, I will not live without him. Murders! Scum! She took her husband's arm, supporting him, and marched off with the others to her death.

The emotional impact is great with Perchersky's story telling.

Also having great impact is the Hollywood treatment Pechersky gets when Rutger Hauer plays him the movie "Escape from Sobibor"!

But logistically, Perchersky loses all credibility as the master planner for the escape when the map he puts into his book does not match the actual camp at Sobibor, and he wrongly describes the method of killing at Sobibor

    Arad quoting from Perchersky's book
    The floor opens and the corpses fall into carts waiting below.

"Escape from Sobibor" was not a documentary of real facts, but a typical Hollywood fantasy movie.

No Holocaust historian today believes in the collapsing floor, but "eye-witnesses" were still saying this up to 1961.

In the 1961 Eichmann trial, Ya'akov Biskowitz, at the time an Israeli policeman, testified "After some time, a buzzing sound would be heard, the floor opened up, and the victims fell into the deep hollow below and were conveyed in this little train into the pit...

The Presiding Judge asks: "You describes the inside of the gas chamber. For example, you told us how the floor opened up and the bodies fell below into the railway waggons....Did you see this with you own eye, or are you talking of things you heard from others"

Biskowitz repeated that he was an eye-witness to seeing the floor open up.

Pushing, the Judge asked again, "Did you see the floor when it had opened up?

To which Biskowitz replied, "I did not see that-- I merely saw that underneath the gas chamber, there was a hollow which already contained bodies."

The Presiding Judge promptly stopped Biskowitz from further testimony.

Biskowitz starts to tell the judge another "shocking case which I witnessed"

Again, the Presiding Judge dismisses him from the witness stand.

The Presiding Judge throws the discredited Biskowitz off the witness stand, but Biskowitz still makes it into Arad's book with a reference to other parts of his testimony in the Eichmann Trial.

500 hours of the Eichmann Trial was filmed in 1961 but none of that film was saved. Humm!!

Steven Spielberg had a chance 50 years after the Holocaust to get things right, but his Shoah Project still has eye-witness" accounts of chimneys with flames exiting the top -- which NEVER happened.

So much for eye-witness accounts.

Episode 15: Rain, wind, fire and ice

Outdoor cremation fires are implausible in the middle of a German winter.

The fire pits did not have any coverage for rain or snow. Testimony from Heinrich Gley's trial shows "the snows starting" when the cremations started and they ran "day and night without interruption", and the frozen ground to dig up the bodies did not seem to disrupt operations either.

There was not a brick wind break to stop the wind and reflect heat either.

Yechiel Reichman is quoted in Arad's book as saying that dead bodies burn like wood, which they do not. Episode 16: Escape tunnel

Digging tunnels for the "Escape from Sobibor" were said to go no deeper than 5 ft for fear of hitting water, but burial pits all around the camp were said to be 23 feet deep with no water problems.

Episode 17: Belzec Chronicles

Josef Oberhauser was an official at Belzec who served 4.5 years of prison time.

Rudolf Reder was the only one who ever escaped from the Belzec camp.

Arad quotes from Rudolf Reder's book that he was sent into town with 4 SS men and a guard to Lvov. All the men but one went for entertainment and the guard fell asleep and started snoring.

The problems with Reder's account is that the elite of Hitler's army, the SS would not be going on a common errand boy fetching of common supplies.

Did they need to take 5 men to guard one 61 year old laborer? Why such an old man to help load heavy metal sheets?

He states that he pulled his cap over his face. What? Did he think someone would recognize his face and not worry about the camp uniform he was wearing?

The question is why is Reder the only escapee at Belzec when Belzec has barbed wire fences with tree boughs woven through it.

And that begs the question of why it never caught on fire with all the massive fire pit crematoriums throwing sparks into the air?

Back to Josef Oberhauser. The reason why he got such a short sentence is probably because he plea bargained to admitting to atrocities for the short prison time. Historians like Yitzhak Arad and Raul Hilberg have relied on his plea bargain confession as facts to support their story about the Holocaust.

Episode 18: Physical Evidence, Part 1

Since the Reinhard death camps is a crime scene, to prove the existence of the pits, this author suggests a novel approach.

Take core samples of the surrounding land to establish the expected natural sediment layers. Then take multiple core samples around the camps to establish where the burial pits were located, how large and how deep.

Yet, according to the author, this suggestion has never been done.

Another reason for core samples is to determine what is in the core sample. There should be about 5 teeth per cubic foot, chlorine which was used, ash from wood, and bone fragments.

Belzec was the only site to have core samples pulled to see what was inside. Sobibor and Treblinka has never had core samples to determine either.

Of course the lack of core samples of this crime scene is itself a crime. Scientists take core samples of everything. Ice in Antarctica, to find evidence of tsunamis over the years, to determine pollution over time. Just looking at tree rings is a sort of core sample of how the tree grew over the years.

But for what has been called the worst crime in the 20th century, indeed by Jewish accounts, the worst crime in recorded history, does not demand the forensics of taking samples from the crime scene. Humm!!

Looking at other attempts to obtain physical evidence, he looks at the samples taken from the gas chambers at Auschwitz to detect cyanide residue, taken by Fred Leuchter.

You would think that reports about physical evidence could be unimpeachable. But in fact, Fred Leuchter's life was turned upside down. He was accused of being an anti-Semite for publishing findings of no chlorine reside on the walls of Auschwitz.

The Movie "Mr. Death" was a denouncement of Fred Leuchter, except that in the first release, most of the students believed Leuchter.

Germar Rudolf, at the time working at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart, repeated the experiment with more precision and came to the same conclusion. Then he was persecuted.

Sentenced to 14 months in jail for inciting hatred, Rudolf arrived in the US and applied for political asylum and freedom of speech, but his request was denied in 2006. He was not released from German prisons until 2009.

Carlo Mattogno, in his book, "Belzec, reports on the only core sample taken. The man who took the core sample was hand picked by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, which creates an instant bias. But he did inadvertently have findings the Holocaust Museum did not want. Professor Andrzej Kola. Taking 2,227 core samples, corresponding to one sample every 5 meters, He found mass graves in 1 of 10 of his samples. But when placed on maps the ordering was in strange shapes, not like Germans would have done, and more importantly the areas did not match the "eye-witness" accounts of where the pits were located at all.

Episode 19: Physical Evidence, Part 2

The reason for the Kola commission for core samples at Belzec was not to disprove the Holocaust, but to determine where to situate a memorial so as to not disturb the graves.

Carlo Mattogno asks some good questions.

When the Germans discovered mass graves in the Katyn Forest, they unearth the graves and identified the dead bodies as that of the Polish Officer Corps.

Why would not the same forensics be done at these crime scenes of opening the graves, exhuming the corpses, doing autopsies and trying to identify the loved ones killed?

When the Germans investigated Katyn, they did not expect the world to believe their word for it.

The Germans had a commission established consisting of:

    Katyn Forest Investigative Commission
  • physicians from 12 European countries
  • A Commission of the Polish Red Cross
  • U.S., British and Canadian officers held by the Germans as prisoners
  • the report contained forensic medical findings, 80 photographs, and names of victims

Another problem is that Kola shows water at 5 meters, so the depth of the pits from the "eye-witness" accounts had to be changed once again. Now we are in need of 80 pits when the map shows only 4 pits.

So the story gets worst.

A single murder can be solved 50 years after the crime, but 6 million Jewish deaths only warrant one search for physical evidence.

Gosh the value of a Jewish woman must be pretty cheap to not bother with performing an investigation!!!

Carlo Mattogno estimated from the Kola commission that there were only a few hundred corpses. And why are there corpses if the Germans dug them up and cremated them all?

Carlo Mattogno believes most of the bodies were natural deaths from perhaps typhus.

Back to Bomba the barber. When he says the place was cleared after 5 minutes after he stepped out into the hallway, perhaps it was because after he cut their hair to protect the camp from louse and lice, they were deloused, and then walked out with their own two feet.

The TV series "Charlie's Angels" showed such an even where they have to be deloused by a camp guard. If they did not know the language, they probably thought it was going to kill them.

Episode 20: Soviets at Treblinka

Raul Hilberg and Yitzah Arad leave out all the discredited Holocaust stories because they are trying to mold a believable narrative out of the legend. But Holocaust Revisionists Carlo Mattogno and Jurgen Graf wrote these discredited narratives into their book "Treblinka, Extermination Camp or Transit Camp". In his book are many stories that could not have been true.

Mattogno writes that "In August 1944, the Soviets arrived at Treblinka. Soviet investigator Jurowski and team started to work immediately interviewing a score of survivors."

He interviewed Benjamin Piskorz testifying about directly drinking urine in his mouth.

    PISKORZ: "Straight into the mouth, because of the terrible thirst. This wasn't the first case, because all the people drank this way".

Truth is that urine will not relieve thirst.

    "The victims were ordered to take along valuables - gold, paper money, documents. The naked people were shown to a cashier's counter one by one, and they were told to deposit everything. After they had done this, they were allowed to go on and were led along the sand-strewn, flower-bordered avenue into the 'bath', where they were given soap, a towel and underclothing. After depositing of the valuables, already on the way to the 'bath,' the polite tone gave way to roughness. Those who were walking were urged on by rods and beaten with canes."

If the 'bath' was a gas chamber, and the rouse of the 'bath' was already being exposed by the beating and rods, then why were the soap, towels and underclothing needed? Just does not make sense.

    "Behind the 'bath' stood a machine. It pumped the air out of the room. The people suffocated within 6 to 10 minutes. The second door was opened and the dead were brought on wheelbarrows to the special ovens."

He details vacuum chambers that would have imploded.

Hoax-like stories like this are conveniently left out of Hilberg and Arad's book.

Episode 21: Destroying evidence: Treblinka compared to Auschwitz

Both Treblinka and Auschwitz
  • Had gas chambers
  • Were in Poland
  • Were run by the SS

    Soviets did not document anything of interest are Treblinka, but documented mountains of clothing, glasses, hair and such at Auschwitz. Why would the Nazi go to the trouble of destroying all the evidence at Treblinka and leave such incriminating evidence at Auschwitz?

    OK, you say that Auschwitz was evacuated in an emergency.

    Except that Hilberg documents that Himmler decided to start dismantling the camps on November 25th of 1944. On January 17, 1945 the last roll call was taken. Hilberg even documents how the ovens were cleaned out

      "A young woman recalled that while cleaning the ovens, she got bones and ashed in her hair, her mouth, and her nostrils."

    Over the top, but documents an orderly evacuation.

    There is documentation that says the Germans were very careful to hid what they were doing. They never refereed to killing in gas chambers, but refereed to it as a "special operation" and such.

    So, if they were carefully hiding things, had plenty of time to destroy all evidence, then why was there so much evidence?

    Seven tons of hair would have burned in a few hours.

    At Treblinka, we are told the Nazi SS concealed the crime by going through the extraordinary act of digging up all the corpses, cremating the bodies on open racks, crushed the bones individually by whacking it with a hammer, and destroyed evidence that the camp ever existed by dismantling it.

    But at Auschwitz, the Nazi SS did little to conceal what had happened. They carelessly left behind, a pile of hair, children's clothes, a pile of glasses, and 7,000 eye-witnesses waiting to speak with the Soviets.

    Hard to believe what was documented at Auschwitz by the Stalinist Soviets who had already tried to frame Hitler for the Katyn Forest Massacre.

    Anyway, mounds of hair is evidence of lice and louse control - a good thing.

    Insecticide Zyclon B is evidence of typhus control - a good thing.

    Stacks of shoes is evidence that camp uniforms were handed out - a typical thing in an institution of any sort.

    Episode 23: Doctor Berman testifies

    Hilberg documents that Treblinka was evacuated in the fall of 1943. The Wirth Kommando which had constructed the camps, was ordered to destroy them without leaving a trace. At Treblinka a farm was built, and a Ukrainian was invited to run it for income. Arad agrees when he states that the whole area was to be cleaned of debris, plowed over, and trees were to be sown and planted.

    So why did the good Jewish psychological doctor Berman testify at the Eichmann trial that he came to Treblinka and saw a million little baby shoes and then produced a pair he had kept to remember the children?

    Perhaps he was lying for the psychological effect, for their could not possibly have been any evidence of Treblinka when he arrived there.

    Episode 23: Lamb

    Indian funeral pyres lay the body directly on a huge mound of wood.

    But according to "eye-witness" accounts, the Germans used "barbecue grills". This would not burn a thick human body to ashes any better than you can burn a thinly sliced steak on a grill to ashes. To demonstrate, a leg of lamb was burned during the day, with a breeze which blew most of the flames horizontally and letting most of the heat escape. Later at night when the wind had died down, using far more wood than was specified, and tending the fire all night long, the leg of lamb was still raw on the inside.

    The outdoor funeral grates were a fraud.

    Episode 24: Bone crushing

    How was bone crushing to be done? Another difficult act.

    On the official maps of Treblinka, there was no area designated to crush and shift, through tightly woven screens, the 750,000 bodies in 5 months needed to complete the task. The population of San Francisco had no land at Treblinka to handle this task, making this another example of an impossible feat, which is another word for a fraud.

    The same impossible scenario occurs in every other camp as well.

    An interesting point made is that the "Revised and DEFINITIVE Edition" of Raul Hilberg's 3-volume book, 1,274 page, "The Destruction of the European Jew" contains no maps of any camp. "Definitive" does not need maps of the camps we suppose.

    What is laughable is the search for a "bone crusher" in of all places - the Jewish Lodz Ghetto. The Jews had no bone crusher, so we are to believe that the most technologically advanced country in the world decided to do the task by hand.

      Rumkowski requested a canvass of the Lodz ghetto for a bone crusher...The ghetto apparently had no such machine...When Hoss visited Kulmhof, Blobel promised the Auschwitz commander that he would send him a mill "for solid substances" However, Hoss preferred to destroy his bone material with hammers."

    According to the accounts, there were an underlying base of tin sheets the bones were placed on to be crushed, Why tin sheets? Because the story-tellers figured you need something solid underneath if you were to be crushing bones.

    Problem is that this would make a lot of noise when being pounded on all day, but there were no complaints of this in any narrative.

    The story-tellers can't be expected to think of everything.

    Episode 25: Treblinka's Flammable Fence

    Pine tree branches with dried needles were said to have been used as kindling on the human roasters. Makes sense as the oils burn quite well.

    But the camp fence was made of these dried tree needles to hide the camp from view. A fence made of dried tree limbs with 250 million pounds of wood burning inside was insanely illogical.

      The inner fence was 3 to 4 meters high and intertwined with tree branches that hid the camp from outside view.

    The flammable fence was as close a 14 feet from the cremation grill. Flammable sparks would absolutely have caught this fence on fire.

    Surprisingly, none of the inmates ever set fire to the fence which would have severely damaged the camp.

    In Belzec and Sobibor, the outdoor cremation grills were operating in the windy wet time of year, making the cremations themselves implausible. But in Treblinka, the cremations were in the hot dry summer. Hot July and August days, compounded with the heat from the gigantic cremation fires, with fences made of 7 foot high tree branches thick enough so as to not see through nearby, would certainly have burnt down the entire camp.

    Add this to the Holocaust Fraud story.

    Episode 26: Treblinka's Outer Fence

    The Treblinka outer fence was "a chain of antitank obstacles ("Spanish horses") wrapped in barbed wire"

    But there would be no need for an anti-tank obstacle when you are within point-blank range of the Soviet tank's gun just outside the outer fence.

    The Germans would not have wasted their time on such a worthless defense. If Soviet tanks had been able to get that close, the camps would have been long ago evacuated.

    Bottom line is "Spanish horses" is a made up meaningless word in relation to antitank barriers. The real term was probably "Czech hedgehog".

    On the other hand, the barbed wire could be a means to keep prisoners from escaping. But the over-kill to prevent a tank from penetrating is silly story-telling.

    Episode 27: Kurt Gerstein's confession

    "Voices and Views" was written by Deborah Dwork. In her book was a reference to a book by Saul Friedlander who detailed the prison confession of the SS officer Kurt Gerstein who allegedly visited Belzec and Treblinka.

    Gersein confessed to seeing a "veritable mountain of clothing and underwear, 115 to 130 feet high."

    That is a really, really high stack of clothes. I can stack clothes perhaps 8 feet tall. I can wad them up and throw on top. Perhaps I can throw this clothing 22 feet high. But 130 feet is as high as a 10 story building. There is no way I can stack clothes that high.

    Gerstein was an engineer trained in medicine and was said to have witnessed s gassing.

    He was one of only three witnesses to 600,000 deaths at Belzec. There was Rudolf Reder, a Jewish inmate, Josef Oberhauser, a German official, and Kurt Gerstein, a German Specialist.

    As you remember, Rudolf Reder was the only one who escaped when a guard fell asleep when going into town for supplies. He testified that Belzec used an electric floor to kill, which seems strange when Treblinka was said to have used diesel exhaust and Auschwitz was said to have used cyanide gas. Germans using three different diabolical methods to achieve the same effect was unbelievable in the larger Holocaust story.

    Also, Josef Oberhauser was the German Claude Lanzsman confronted who only had the 3 1/2 year prison term for the plea bargain that saved him a death sentence or life in prison. But he didn't enter the picture until 1961 in the Eichmann trial.

    So, the "Gerstein Report" was the only reliable account of Belzec.

    In his prison interrogation/torture, he talked about diesel exhaust. That is good, because it lines up with the Treblinka story better.

    But Gerstein was smart in "confessing". He was not going to be a stooge and this German was deliberately un-German. The 130 foot pile of clothes was "precisely witnessed" by Gerstein as was the precise total dead of "25 million", which Deborah Dwork proudly documents in her book "Voices and Views."

    Being a precise German engineer, he goes on to make an impossible scenario. He claims that 750 people were locked into a 1,590 cubic feet space for 2 hours and 49 minutes, because the diesel engine would not start and they were still alive. Problem is that the people would have used up all the oxygen in the room before then even if they actually could have fit into the room.

    Then the diesel engine pumped gas into the room for another 28 minutes and he testifies that some were still alive. Not possible and absurd!

    He describes looking into the room no higher than 6 feet high, to see that some were still alive, but if there were that many people, bodies would be pushed up against the window so he could not see a thing.

    Conclusion: Gerstein purposely discredited his report with outlandish statements easily debunked.

    He died in prison weeks after the report, probably after his captors realized he had made a fool of them.

    And this highlights the difference between Jews and Germans. Jews strive for the emotional heart-tug in their story-telling to convince us of the truth of the Holocaust. Germans use detail and precision to tell their stories.

    So in the end, Kurt Gerstein is a hero for working within the story to discredit the Holocaust.

    Episode 28: Adolf Eichmann, Franz Suchomel confessions

    Treblinka guard Franz Suchomel also sabotaged his story, not with precision as Kurt Gerstein did, but with an absurd story.

    After leaving a 7 year prison sentence, unhirable, Lanzmann pays him $1800 for his interview.

    Again, with only 7 years in prison, Suchomel probably plea-bargained to help out the Holocaust Fraud.

    Eichmann testified to an absurd "blood fountain" of buried gases pushing the Jewish blood up from the ground in a ghoulish fountain. Of course, the blood would have coagulated or at best, the gas would have bubbled up through any blood there.

    In the New York Times, July 7, 1961, was the day after Eichmann's testimony.

      Eichmann testified that he had tried in vain to 'wriggle out' of his reporting assignment for he hated what he saw, particularly a "fountain of blood" he had observed spouting from a mass grave at Lvov, in the western Ukraine.

      Murmurs of disbelief and a derisive whistle were heard from the public gallery when Eichmann, talking rapidly, declared his abhorrence of genocide.

    The public gallery believed the "Fountain of Blood" as the honest truth, but did not believe Eichmann was a decent man who could be believed about his feelings.

    In the 1961 Eichmann trial, he was all alone in the world. Most likely being tortured, with no one wanting to be known as his friend, no one wanting to support his case, he was still a hero to discredit the bullying tactics used against him.

    His absurd stories, taken by his enemies as truth, help to discredit the Holocaust as a fraud.

    Eichmann also testifies that a Russian u-boat diesel engine was used for gassing. But it takes a specialized team of technicians trained in marine diesel engines to understand how to operate them.

    Again, wood gasification is a much more efficient and simpler way to make carbon monoxide and it uses commonly available wood instead of precious diesel fuel needed for the war effort. In the United States, all citizens were asked to stop using all kinds of items so that those items could be shipped to the front lines. The Germans would have been doing the same.

    Lublin where the diesel engine was used was 250 miles inland. A long way to ship a submarine engine to attach to a farmer's hovel, for a specialized purpose of gassing people.

    Of course, a farmer's hovel to too small time for a massive government operation. (hovel - a peasant's cottage)

    Renovating a farmer's small home is something a retired senior citizen may do, but not a top-secret government operation.

    Would Raul Hilberg use Eichmann's trial testimony? Yes, anytime it helped the story he wanted to tell.

    On the web is a book by Robin O'Neil which states the occupation of the workers accused at the Treblinka trial.

      First Treblinka Trial
      September 3, 1965
      in Dusseldorf

    • Kurt Franz, KZ/Cook
    • Josef Hirtreiler, Male nurse
    • Kurt Kuttner, Male nurse
    • Otto Richard Horn, Male nurse
    • Hermann Lambert, Builder
    • Arthur Mathes, Male nurse
    • Willy Nentz, Farm worker
    • Gust Munzberger, Cook
    • Albert Rum, Photographer
    • Otto Stadie, Male nurse
    • Franz Suchomel, Photographer

    Why would a death camp need so many nurses? Nurses are to keep people alive.

    However, if Treblinka was a disinfection camp, then perhaps so many nurses would make sense.

    In Yitzak Arad's book, he cites the occupation of Kurt Gerstein as being the chief disinfection officer in the Main Hygienic Office of the Waffen SS. The man who accompanied him was Wilhelm Pfannenstiel, professor and director of the Hygienic Institute at the University of Marburg/Lahn.

    Treblinka was not a death camp, it was a disinfection camp.

    Episode 29: Treblinka book

    In addition to Arad and Hilberg, the third most important Holocaust book is "The Death Camp Treblinka" by Alexander Donat (1979).

    Survived 9 death camps and lived to tell about it. My those Germans were inefficient buffoons!

    The bulk of his book is made up of 6 eye-witness accounts. One of which is Jankiel Wiernik. If you remember, he is the fraud who said that women burned better than men, and stated that women were used as kindling for the fires.

    But the interesting part is where Donat embellishes previous testimony to make the Holocaust worst and make the Germans seem more nefarious.

    The other guy we already know is Samuel Rajzman who wrote "The End of Treblinka".

    What happened to Rajzman's story from the Hearings before the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives and Donat's book.

    Committee on Foreign Affairs
    House of Representatives
    House Joint Resolution 93
    March 22 and 26, 1945
    quoting Samuel Rajzman

    On September 17 the owner of the factory in which I worked, W.C. Tobbens, announced that all workers were to gather in the yard to have their papers checked. He gave us his word of honor that after this inspection we would be sent back to our machines. In the yard five troopers were waiting for us; they took us to the train.

    Pretty straight forward round up of Jews.

    Now, here is the exact same event in Donat's 1979 book. This time with a little more flair.

    Hollywood screen play -- ready-set-action.

    "The Death Camp Treblinka"
    Alexander Donat<1979>
    quoting Samuel Rajzman

    I was taken to Treblinka in 1942. I had been living in Warsaw. They took me out on Yom Kippur: in the middle of praying they took us away to Treblinka. We had a minyan in the courtyard. We were reciting our prayers in the courtyard: there were no more synagogues open by that time. We were working in Toebbens' shop, a factory that produced buttons for the Germans. Toebbens had 30 to 40 enterprises working for him in occupied Warsaw. In the shop where I worked there were 125 to 130 people. They took everybody away. A couple of us they killed right on the spot; the rest were taken to Treblinka.

    Donat made Samuel Rajzman more pious and the Germans more evil. A minyan is a quorum of 10 adult Jewish males needed for public worship and Yom Kippur is the most important holiday of the Jewish year.

    Pious Samuel Rajzman is not so pious as Yom Kippur is a complete Sabbath; no work can be performed in that day.

    Humm...the story does not smell right.

    By the way, Samuel Rajzman was one of the prime witnesses at the Dusseldorf trial where several Germans got life imprisonment and the Fort Lauderdale trial where the man was executed.

    The Yom Kippur theme is reoccurring in the Holocaust Fraud stories.

    We say it in the February 1943 Readers Digest story by Ben Hect, the one who cited the figure of 6 million Jews well before all the Jews were supposed to have been executed.

    Readers Digest
    February 1943
    quote "Remember Us"

    the day set aside for our Atonement [Yom Kippur], we were in our synagogue praying God to forgive us. All our village was there. Above our prayers we heard the sound of motor lorries. They stopped in front of our synagogue. The Germans tumbled out of them, torches in hand, and set fire to us. When we ran out of the flames they turned machine guns on us. They seized our women and undressed them and made them run naked through the market place before their whips. All of us were killed before our Atonement was done. Remember us.

    And the barber Abraham Bomba Treblinka survivor uses the Yom Kippur date as well.

    Abraham Bomba
    Treblinka survivor

    The first transport from Czestochowa was sent away at the day of the Yom Kippur.

    Question posed to Holocaust Deniers: If you say you don't believe in the holocaust, then what happened to the Jews of Europe? Did they just disappear out of thin air?

    They immigrated.

    In Donat's book, he has tracked them down many of the survivors and it shows what happened to them. They are in the United States, Uruguay, Venezuela, Brazil, France, Switzerland, and quite a few in Israel. In fact, there are millions of European Jews in Israel, not thousands.

    When the Yiddish speaking Jews of Poland went to Israel, they changed their names to Hebrew names.

    For instance, Rudolf Reder used to be called Roman Robak.

    Yitzhak Arad used to have a last name of Rudnitski.

    Episode 30: Conclusion

    If 1/3rd of the Holocaust is a fraud, then all of the Holocaust is a fraud.

    And yet, this fraudulent base of the Holocaust guides American foreign policy today.

    The Remaining Shows

    Phil Donahue segment: Shows how people are character assassinated about this topic.

    Auschwitz segment: Jewish David Cole gets some interesting documentation about Auschwitz as no other could.

    One Third of the Holocaust
    Holocaust Denial Videos

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    You can read further at Guide to "Checks and Balances"
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    The Christian Solution ©             First Release: March 15, 2008