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Dec 7, 2011 AD

Michelle Bachmann says:
"God DAMM America"

Michelle Bachmann says:
"God BLESS Israel"

Update: 12/18/11

Following Michelle Bachmann's Thursday FoxNews debate against Ron Paul where she all but called Dr. Paul un-American, Jay Leno asked Ron Paul on Jay Leno's 12/16 Friday showing about how he feels about Michelle. Ron Paul in his usually meek tone replied, "She doesn’t like Muslims, she hates them, she wants to go get 'em' Read more: Bachmann: 'Of course I don't hate Muslims'"

Which led Bachmann to say on Saturday, to the effect, "I only hates Iranian Muslims"...

Bachmann said: "They’ve said unequivocally that they want to obtain a nuclear weapon for the express purpose of using it against our ally, Israel, to kill the Jews," adding: "They also want to use it against the United States and kill Americans."

To which The Christian Solution asks, "And against whom do the Israelis plan to use their nukes against? Did they feel the need to develop nuclear weapons to be used against Switzerland over in th middle of Europe, or perhaps Israeli nukes are to be used against Peru across the Atlantic Ocean in South America, or perhaps Israeli nukes are to take out Kenya down in Africa OOOOORRRRRR just perhaps Muslims next door to Israel feel that Israel plans to use her nukes against the Muslim countries surrounding her?"

Hypocrisy never seems to be a descriptor Jews accept for themselves.

In my childhood, we would proudly would say, without hesitation, the words, "God Bless America".

We would sing the song "God Bless America" at football games and school activities.

Now all we hear from our politicians is "God Bless Israel!"

Presidential contender Michelle Bachmann is a prime example of this new ideology. Her message for America is that if we do not bless the "Israel that God blesses", then "America will not be blessed".

Michelle Bachmann pointedly says, "God Damm America"! Unless, we adore Israel the way she proposes.

Michelle Bachmann says "God BLESS Israel!"
Michelle Bachmann
February 08, 2010
Speaking at a Republican Jewish Coalition event in Los Angeles

"I am convinced in my heart and in my mind that if the United States fails to stand with Israel, that is the end of the United States . . . "

"We have to show that we are inextricably entwined, that as a nation we have been blessed because of our relationship with Israel, and if we reject Israel, then there is a curse that comes into play."

"And my husband and I are both Christians, and we believe very strongly the verse from Genesis [Genesis 12:3], we believe very strongly that nations also receive blessings as they bless Israel. It is a strong and beautiful principle."

-- Michelle Bachmann

This is old news which I let slip under the rug with the rest of the dirt we don't usually see. Just another Judas-bought Christian selling her soul to the Jews for a few pieces of silver.

Just another Republican Neo-Con saying: "God DAMM America" - if we don't support Israel!"

But what caught my attention was the well-written, thought-provoking comments witten from what I had always perceived to be a hopelessly liberal State of Minnesota.

Highlights include statements like these:

  • America never had an “enemy” in the Middle East - until it had an “ally” in the Middle East.

  • Billions in aid every year for a Zionist theme park on the Mediterranean.

  • The founders sure were wise to warn us against entangling alliances, too bad we didn’t take their advice.

  • It’s no wonder Bachmann speaks so fondly of Israel. They’ve provided her and her family members free annual vacations to Israel every year she’s been in office–to the tune of $44,380...It’s not like Minnesota’s 6th District is heavily Jewish...for their $44,380 investment in Bachmann, the Israeli/Jewish lobbyists, er, “educators,” have gotten a loud mouthpiece to drum up support for Israel among the evangelical Christian base.

  • America was blessed by God long before this useless Israeli appendage attached itself to America.

  • Things have worked out sooooooo well since we started acting as Israel’s legal guardian 60 years ago.

  • How do you explain the fact that we have been supporting Israel since it was hatched and yet we are still on our way to extinction?...America is in so much trouble precisely because WE DO support Israel and allow Jews to control our nation from within. And they are taking us down from within as they have done so many other nations, i.e. Germany, Russia, Armenia, etc.

  • What is she, a God-sent Angel? ….NOTTTT… Enough of this blind support to Israel. We can’t afford another 911 because of this so-called "Israel"

  • Can you believe the passivity and cowardice of an American pubic that accommodate such anti-nation rhetoric from a national law-maker?

  • If Jews are so supremely gifted, special and divine compared to the rest of us mere mortals, they should not NEED to involve others in support of their interest and agenda.

  • Propaganda: “You’re either with us, or you will be destroyed, before going to hell”

  • If this national law-maker’s speech isn’t EXTREMIST and even tacitly THREATENING to the country, I don’t know what is.

  • Where is the outrage from all the pro red-white-and-blue ‘super-patriots’ who wish for a return to the good ‘ol days of Americans pursuing their OWN self-interest & destiny, and not being “inextricably” yoked to ANY foreign state, much less a chronically troubled, politically indefensible and resource-draining one like Israel.

  • Another Globalist/Zionist shill NeoCON posing as a real conservative.

  • Our Republic should leave the whole middle east to the Zionists & Muhammedans to hash out

  • "If the United States pulls back its support, America will cease to exist" -- Sounds to me like the Jews are making threats.

  • ISRAEL IS spoken of by Daniel the Prophet… "Separate yourselves and quit touching the unclean thing!" Any support of Israel by Christians verbally or monetarily is an abomination to our King Jesus Christ. He and He alone alone has Legal right to rule in Israel. All other claims are counterfeit by the satanic and evil “state of Israel”

  • America has been under a curse since she started supporting Israel! If America goes down for withdrawing support, it will only be because we allowed Jewish extortionists to put us under their thumb. The only terrorists we need to concern ourselves with are the financial terrorists that have taken more American lives than any 3rd world Muslim ever has.

  • “Pit nation against nation” is the track record of Jews who destroy nations from the inside.

  • Where did Jesus say that we're cursed if we don't support Israel? From what I recall, he said something markedly different about those who deny him. Jesus’ own words on Jews who reject him are along the lines of “Synagogue of Satan” and “You are of your father the devil and his works will you do.”

  • Heck, even Pontius Pilot was under the thumb of Jewish power. That’s a stunning typology for the 2,000 year long “Jewish problem” if ever there was one.

  • This Judaized Christian Zionist would not know the difference between old covenants and new. Her nose is so buried in the Torah, Jesus’ words are lost on her.

  • Israel is the tail wagging the dog of US foreign policy.

  • Israel is an idol for American evangelicals. It is their golden calf and they will follow it unto America’s utter ruination.

  • Does anyone not know that Zionist Jews have worked many decades to give America both a Zionist One Party political system and a false Christianity based on the worship of the Jewish people/state of Israel?

  • Israel is a welfare state!

  • Obama gave Israel $30 billion dollars AND Israel uses it to continue to fund an apartheid!

  • I did not realize that we now lived in a theocracy. Thanks for letting me know that we are no better than the likes of the Taliban Michele.

  • No Michelle, “God” won't curse us. The bankers and New York money men will curse us. The media conglomerates will curse us. The teeming masses of welfare dependent terrorists will be turned on us (when the checks stop). The corporations will leave. The capital will be taken out, etc.

  • I would like to ask the people of Minnesota to please initiate recall/impeachment proceedings as soon as possible because it is painfully clear that this woman is actively representing the interests of the people of Israel and not the people of Minnesota or the United States.

  • One and only one nation in the middle east benefits from the United States being tricked into fighting wars against every enemy of the state of Israel. There, my friends, is the answer as to who engineered the events of 9-11 and what they motivations were. “By Deception, Thou Shall Make War” – motto of the Mossad. Bachmann should be arrested and charged with treason and complicity in war mongering.

  • I’ve tried to make a person of the Jewish faith understand that he is not Jewish, but that he is of Jewish faith. I asked him, "Where is your father from?" Answer: Poland. "Where is you mother from?" Answer: Canada (polish). "Where were you born?" Answer: Canada. I then went on to say: "You are Canadian, of Polish decent and of Jewish faith" His answer was. "No, I’m a Jew!"

  • Yet another bought,coerced and intimidated whore for Israel.

  • We need leaders who will put America first, all others second!

  • READ THE TALMUD! If you did then you would SPIT on Israel in a heartbeat!

  • Judas only got 30 pieces of silver for his soul. Michelle got a LOT more - from the same “people”. “Ye pit of vipers”

  • I do hope lots of Jews are reading the anger here, and learning that the cover provided by perennial victim-hood can only stretch so far. I’m loving seeing the American people waking up from the Zion nightmare.

  • Jewish ZIONISM is 1000x worse than any truthful or fictional act by Hitler. Jews have caused more wars and killed more people in the last 100 years than any conceivable plot in a wet dream by Hitler.

  • GAZA is a Concentration camp.

  • JESUS WAS NOT A JEW! This ‘big lie’ technique is brainwashing United States Christians into believing that Jesus Christ was “King of the Jews”, in the sense that so-called ‘Jews’ today call themselves ‘Jews’.

  • Religious Promised Land? Most of the inhabitants of Israel are in fact agnostic !

  • If Rep. Michele Bachmann insists that Israel be (effectively) the 51st state of the Union, then it is up to the entire US electorate of 308 million, in fifty States, to vote on such an important, constitutional move and not to merely accede to the insistent and demanding voice of AIPAC supporters, a pro-Israel lobby that is a minority pressure group completely unrepresentative of the American people as a whole.

  • Zionism is a self-serving tribal religion and has no place in our modern world. If Zionism came from another culture under another name, there would be thousands of books by Jewish authors telling us why we need to wage a war on terror against them.

  • The Jewish people have been kicked out of a lot of countries throughout history and it’s because of their own subversive activities and behavior toward their host country. They are not the helpless victims you make them out to be. Someone once said that a people who are persecuted throughout the centuries must be doing something wrong.

  • America was blessed long before the state of Israel ever came into being and it is because our founding fathers believed and served the Lord God almighty and accepted Christ as their Saviour. Americans are to blame for it’s decline because we have strayed from the word, but it is the Jews who are permeating our culture with their corrosive values. They will do anything, including throwing America under the bus to protect their empire and what’s good for the Jews.

  • I am a Christian so I have to wonder whose God is going to punish us? -- My God, who says that there is no other path to salvation except through Jesus Christ, or the Jew’s god?

  • Breaking the Jews hold on America is going to be a tough thing to do. More than half the elites in this country are Jewish now and that poses a very unique problem for us.

  • The majority of people who pull the levers of power in the US and steer our culture are aliens who do not represent the historical population. It is a race against the clock with them to marginalize Americans through mass immigration, miscegenation, promoting homosexuality, abortion and brainwashing through their entertainment and media outlets. Then they will be able to consolidate their power as a first step in what I believe is setting up a one world government.

  • Why is it that so many Christians are more aligned to Judaism than they are to Christian teachings? The two are very different -- a difference between the ‘eye for an eye’ philosophy and the ‘turn the other cheek’ school of thought! Christianity is not Judaism.

  • America’s voice comes with a distinct Israeli accent.

  • The inheritance promises that God gave to Abraham were made effective through Christ, Abraham’s True Seed. Since Jesus Christ is the Mediator of the Abrahamic Covenant, all who bless him and his people will be blessed of God, and all who curse him and his people will be cursed of God. These promises do not apply to any particular ethnic group but to those who believe in Jesus Christ, the true Israel.

  • The danger for U.S. Christians is that having made an icon of Israel, we fall into the trap of condoning whatever Israel does—even wanton murder of civilians as we have witnessed in Gaza—as orchestrated by God. This is blasphemy.

  • The present secular state of Israel is not an authentic or prophetic realization of the Messianic kingdom of Jesus Christ. Furthermore, a day should not be anticipated in which Christ’s kingdom will manifest itself in a particular place called Israel.

  • Had Michelle Bachmann been talking about Catholicism, Buddhism, Islam, or any other religion -- as she does about Judaism -- her political career would be destroyed!

  • "I know the slander of those who claim to be Jews and are not, but rather are members of the assembly of Satan." - Revelations 2:9

  • 2,000 years ago Christ delivered his spiritual message. 1,000 years ago, Christian Crusaders went off to “Liberate the Holy Land”. 500 years ago, Spanish and British Colonialism was said to “spread the blessings of Christianity.” Today, America fights wars in the middle east and the broader “war on terror” so as to make Palestine safe for “God’s people Israel.”

  • I believe every people have to right to exist and to be able to pursue their own destiny. Jews apparently don’t believe in such concepts applying to anyone but themselves. Jews are hypocrites. They wail about "death by bug spray" in the Holocaust, while committing genocide themselves [in the Holodomor].

  • If being a hatemonger means wanting the Jews to get their octopus tentacles off of our government and out of our lives then I’m guilty as charged.

  • Conditions in this country are shockingly similar to the Wiemar Republic when the Jews had a stranglehold on the German economy.

  • Religion should dictate our politics? Even God would be against this misuse of his teachings. USA should start to think about Americans, not Jews.

    Reader Comments
    Reply to Michelle Backmann

    Comment posted February 8, 2010 @ 10:29 am

    It’s no wonder Bachmann speaks so fondly of Israel. They’ve provided her and her family members free annual vacations to Israel every year she’s been in office–to the tune of $44,380.

    Most recently, in July-August 2009, Bachmann and her daughter traveled to Tel Aviv on the dime of the American Israel Education Foundation, living like royalty in $500-a-night hotels. Cost of the trip for Michele and Elisa Bachmann: $19,414.74, covered entirely by the Jewish group, which is affiliated with the powerful pro-Israel lobbying group AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee). They each even got a nice photo album from their hosts as a momento of their junket.

    In 2008, Bachmann and her husband, Marcus, traveled to Jeruselum, this time courtesy of the Jewish Community Relations Council. Cost of trip: $7,170.

    In 2007, Michele and Marcus jaunted off to Tel Aviv with the American Israel Education Foundation picking up the tab again, including luxurious $436/night hotels. Cost: $17,796.

    It’s not like Minnesota’s 6th District is heavily Jewish or anything. That matters little to our bought-and-paid-for congresswoman. What really matters is that for their $44,380 investment in Bachmann, the Israeli/Jewish lobbyists, er, “educators,” have gotten a loud mouthpiece to drum up support for Israel among the evangelical Christian base.
    Comment posted February 8, 2010 @ 12:45 pm

    America was blessed by God long before this Israel appendage attached itself to America. And if Israel goes the way of the Soviet Union tomorrow, America will still be blessed by God, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.
    Comment posted February 8, 2010 @ 1:31 pm

    Things have worked out sooooooo well since we started acting as Israel’s legal guardian 60 years ago. I mean, 2010 America is so much better off than 1950's America in every conceivable way. Just think how great this country will be after another 50 years of supporting our best buddies in the Middle East! (If we’re still around by then.)
    M. K.
    Comment posted February 8, 2010 @ 2:03 pm

    Totally absurd. Whether one is some variety of monotheist or not makes no difference. Americans are fighting and dying in an endless war to make the world safe for Israel, and it is bankrupting America in the process. It should be noted that America never had an “enemy” in the Middle East until it had an “ally” in the Middle East.
    Comment posted February 8, 2010 @ 3:31 pm

    How does she explain the fact that we have been supporting Israel since it was hatched and yet we are still on our way to extinction? Any logical person who hasn’t replaced their brain with the Jewish Bible would see that the reason America is in so much trouble is precisely because WE DO support Israel and allow Jews to control our nation from within, and they are taking us down from within as they have done so many other nations, i.e. Germany, Russia, Armenia, etc.
    Comment posted February 8, 2010 @ 3:56 pm

    What is she a God sent Angel ….NOTTTT… Enough of blind support to Israel. No more we can’t afford another 911 because of this so called Israel enough is enough PERIOD
    Comment posted February 8, 2010 @ 7:23 pm

    Can you believe the gall of these Jews?!

    Even more, can you believe the passivity and cowardice of an American pubic that accommodate such anti-nation rhetoric from a national law-maker ?!

    Where is the outrage from all the pro, red-white-& blue ‘super-patriots’ who wish for a return to the good ‘ol days of Americans pursuing their OWN self-interest & destiny, and not being “inextricably” yoked to ANY foreign state, much less a chronically troubled, politically indefensible and resource-draining one like Israel.

    I know where they are… they’re glued to their radios and T.V’s waiting to be told how to be patriotic…(or is it idiotic?)

    And just think how the talking-head “conservatives” will spin every web to paint Pres. Obama as a “radical”… If this national law-maker’s speech isn’t EXTREMIST and even tacitly THREATENING to the country, I don’t know what is. Are you listening Fox News, Hannity, Limbaugh??

    If Jews are so supremely gifted, special and divine compared to the rest of us mere mortals, they should not NEED to involve others in support of their interest and agenda – as espoused by this “you’re either with us, or you will be destroyed (before going to ‘hell’)” type propaganda.

    Either that or we should all, instantly, convert to Judaism so we can be divine and special enough to tell fellow Jews when they’ve gone too far – without being called “anti-semitic”. (BTW, Arabs and others of South-Western Asia are “Semites” too, according to Webster’s dictionary).

    Seriously, anyone believing this crap is self-loathing & brain dead.
    Comment posted February 8, 2010 @ 9:49 pm

    Another Globalist/Zionist shill NeoCON posing as a real conservative. Our Republic should leave the whole middle east to the Zionists & Muhammedans (to hash out), and stop funding to/of all foreign nations. Too bad the Z.O.G won’t allow this (Constitutional) approach!
    Comment posted February 9, 2010 @ 1:01 am

    >if the United States pulls back its support, America will cease to exist

    Sounds to me like the Jews are making threats.
    Comment posted February 9, 2010 @ 2:38 am

    ISRAEL IS ANTICHRIST and is “the disgusting thing that causes desolation standing in the Holy place, as spoken of by Daniel the Prophet… Seperate yourselves and quit touching the unclean thing! Any support of Israel by Christians verbally or monetarily is an abomination to our King Jesus Christ. He and He alone alone has Legal right to rule in Israel, all other claims are counterfiet by satanic and evil “state of Israel” WAKE UP CHRISTAINS EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!
    Comment posted February 9, 2010 @ 3:45 am

    What a bunch of nonsense. America has been under a curse since she started supporting Israel! If America goes down for withdrawing support, it will only be because we allowed Jewish extortionists to put us under their thumb.

    The only terrorists we need to concern ourselves with are the financial terrorists that have taken more American lives than any 3rd world Muslim ever has. “Pit nation against nation” is the track record of Jews who destroy nations from the inside.

    If this Christian Zionist is going to draw her reasoning from the Bible, I’m game, lets get into it! “We’re cursed if we don’t support Israel.” Where did Jesus say that? From what I recall, he said something markedly different about those who deny him. Jesus’ words on Jews who reject him have seen their fulfillment again and again. The same cannot be said for the no-longer-applicable curse from the Torah.

    “Synagogue of Satan” “You are of your father the devil and his works will you do.” Heck, even Pontius Pilot was under the thumb of Jewish power. That’s a stunning typology for the 2000 year long “Jewish problem” if ever there was one. Not that this Judaized Christian Zionist would pick up on that, not that she would know the difference between old covenants and new. Her nose is so buried in the Torah, Jesus’ words are lost on her.
    Comment posted February 9, 2010 @ 8:26 am

    Israel is the tail wagging the dog of US foreign policy. Billions in aid every year for a Zionist theme park on the Mediterranean.
    Comment posted February 9, 2010 @ 8:31 am

    Ms. Bachmann ought to spend some time reading the New Testament instead of dwelling on the old. Like maybe Romans 4:16 for example. Israel is an idol for American evangelicals. It is their golden calf and they will follow it unto America’s utter ruination.
    Zombies for Zion
    Comment posted February 9, 2010 @ 1:07 pm

    Does anyone not know that Zionist Jews have worked many decades to give America both a Zionist One Party political system and a false Christianity based on the worship of the Jewish people/state of Israel? How else can you get dumb clucks to fight endless wars for Israel? Brainwash them when they are young. Use America’s Christian churches to sell Zionism. If you are at all surprised by Bachmann’s statement, please wake up!!! Her brainwashed views are commonplace today.
    Clark Kent
    Comment posted February 9, 2010 @ 3:30 pm

    Obama Gave 30Billion Dollars to Israel, isn’t that enough?,7340,L-3821976,00.html

    Israel is a welfare state! They keep saying that Israel is independant but it’s not, it’s a welfare state.

    Remember the Oslo accords? It’s the oslo bribe, billions of dollars sent to Israel and Egypt every year to pay them to be peaceful, and they are not even peaceful.

    And this 30Billion Dollars Above is not even part of the yearly billions. It’s a seperate donation for a country that has national medical coverage while American Taxpayers are losing homes.

    AND Isreal uses that money to continue to fund an apartheid!
    Comment posted February 9, 2010 @ 4:04 pm

    I did not realize that we now lived in a theocracy. Thanks for letting me know that we are no better than the likes of the Taliban Michele.
    Comment posted February 9, 2010 @ 6:40 pm

    ISRAEL is the problem.

    No Michelle, “God” wont curse us.. the bankers and new york money men will curse us. The media conglomerates will curse us. The teeming masses of welfare dependant terrorists will be turned on us (when the checks stop). The corporations will leave (moreso). The capital will be taken out (moreso), etc.

    But it wont be God. Itll be what organized Jewry calls “God” Themselves.
    Comment posted February 9, 2010 @ 7:04 pm

    I would like to ask the people of Minnesota to please initiate recall/impeachment proceedings as soon as possible because it is painfully clear that this woman is actively representing the interests of the people of Israel and not the people of Minnesota or the United States.
    Comment posted February 10, 2010 @ 9:49 am

    I’d like to chain this evil, Zionist witch Bachmann to a chair in front of a 32? wide-screen HDTV and duck tape her eyelids to her forehead, and force her to watch the documentary by Mike Delaney titled: 911 Missing Links.

    You know something, people? The first question that any cop who goes to detective school is taught to ask, when beginning an investigation of a crime is: Cui Bono? Who benefits?

    One and only one nation in the middle east benefits from the United States being tricked into fighting wars against every enemy of the state of Israel. There, my friends, is the answer as to who engineered the events of 9-11 and what they motivations were.

    “By Deception, Thou Shall Make War” – motto of the Mossad.

    Bachmann should be arrested and charged with treason and complicity in war mongering.
    Comment posted February 10, 2010 @ 11:56 am

    Can anyone say COUCOU COUCOU COUCOU. What is this world coming too? If you say anything you’re automaticly an anti-semite, but Israel gets away with war crimes, collective punishment and anything you can imagine. America gives away billions a year in support of this, not to mention all the young soldiers sent to die in the name of Israel.

    The other thing is I’ve tried to make a person of jewish faith understand that he is not Jewish but that he is of Jewish faith, I asked where is your father from, answer Poland, where is you mother from? A:Canada (polish), where were you born? A: Canada, I then went on to say: you are Canadian of Polish decent and of Jewish faith, his answer was no I’m a Jew.

    Go figure, these people have no individual identity, they are immersed in their religion and it’s all that counts for them.

    Why does everything need to be Jewish? you know when the communist Chinese take over there will be no more religion, I think the world will be a better place then.
    Comment posted February 10, 2010 @ 12:14 pm

    Yet another bought,coerced and intimidated whore for Israel. Same goes for Sarah palin. WE NEED LEADERS THAT WILL PUT AMERICA FIRST,ALL OTHERS SECOND!
    Angel Spruce
    Comment posted February 10, 2010 @ 12:16 pm

    People get a grip! READ THE TALMUD! If you did then you would SPIT on Israel in a heartbeat!

    The Talmud says that Christians(Goyim) are no better than cattle.

    It is all right to cheat us(Greenspan and Barnake?), kill us, have sex with our children(Yes it DOESsay that!)Lie to us,etc.

    No wonder Jesus called them the Synagogue of Satan! The anti-Christ will be a Jew! He will rule from the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem after declaring himself to be God!

    Talk about arrogance. Revelation calls it “the abomination of desolation.” Doesn’t sound good either!Wake up!

    James Hagee will make excuses for us to take ‘the mark.’ Don’t listen to him!
    Comment posted February 10, 2010 @ 12:29 pm

    Judas only got 30 pieces of silver for his soul.
    Shelly got a LOT more.
    From the same “people”.
    “Ye pit of vipers”
    Comment posted February 10, 2010 @ 4:26 pm

    I do hope lots of Jews are reading the anger here, and learning that the cover provided by perenial victimhood can only stretch so far. I’m loving seeing the American people waking up from the Zion nightmare.
    Comment posted February 10, 2010 @ 6:55 pm

    The jewish control over this country is slowly waking up the sheeple one by one.

    Jewish ZIONISN is 1000x worse than any true or fiction against Hitler. Jews have caused more wars and killed more people last 100 years than anything in a wet dream by fictional hitler. GAZA is a Concentration camp.

    People need to wake up against the ZIONIST RACISM AND SUPREMECISM that has the wetsrn world in a kosher noose.
    Comment posted February 10, 2010 @ 10:05 pm


    Benjamin H. Freedman, Jewish Historian – Researcher – Scholar. From “Common Sense”, p. 2-1-53 and 5-1-59

    “Christians have been duped by the unholiest hoax in all history, by so-called Jews. This is considered their most effective weapon.”

    “This ‘big lie’ technique is brainwashing United States Christians into believing that Jesus Christ was “King of the Jews”, in the sense that so-called ‘Jews’ today call themselves ‘Jews’. This reference was first made in English translations of the Old and New Testaments, centuries before the so-called Jews highjacked the word ‘Jew’ in the 18th century A.D. to palm themselves off on the Christian world as having a kinship with Jesus Christ. This alleged kinship comes from the myth of their common ancestry with the so-called ‘Jews’ of the Holy Land in the Old Testament history, a fiction based on fable.”

    “American Christians little suspect they are being brainwashed twenty-four hours of every day over television and radio, by newspapers and magazines, by motion pictures and plays, by books, by political leaders in office and seeking office, by religious leaders in their pulpits and outside their churches, by leaders in the field of education inside and outside their curricular activities, and by all leaders in business, professions and finance, whose economic security demands that they curry the favor of so-called “Jews” of historic Khazar ancestry. Unsuspecting Christians are subjected to this barrage from sources they have little reason to suspect. Incontestable facts supply the unchallengeable proof of the historic accuracy that so-called “Jews” throughout the world today of eastern European origin are unquestionably the historic descendants of the Khazars, a pagan Turko-Finn ancient Mongoloid nation deep in the heart of Asia, according to history, who battled their way in bloody wars about the 1st century B.C. into eastern Europe where they set up their Khazar kingdom. For some mysterious reason the history of the Khazar kingdom is conspicuous by its absence from history courses in the schools and colleges
    Comment posted February 11, 2010 @ 4:54 am

    What a Crock! The people in Israel are ilegal inhabitants of the land. The land was not promised until the comming of their Meshia. Ask any “Torah” Jew. That land was in fact stolen from Palestine under the Balfour Declaration in order to get the U.S. committed to War. Most of the inhabitants of Israel are in fact agnostic !
    COLINDALE London
    Comment posted February 11, 2010 @ 5:14 am

    ISRAEL to be effectively the 51st State of the Union? February 10, 2010, 8:16AM

    If Rep. Michele Bachmann insists that Israel be (effectively) the 51st state of the Union, then it is up to the entire US electorate of 308 million, in fifty States, to vote on such an important, constitutional move and not to merely accede to the insistent and demanding voice of AIPAC supporters, a pro-Israel lobby that is a minority pressure group completely unrepresentative of the American people as a whole.
    Comment posted February 11, 2010 @ 10:01 am

    Bachmann, the christian zionist nutjob, is referring to the 12th chapter of genesis. Judaism is a self-serving tribal religion and has no place in our modern world. This is not ‘antisemitic’, if the teachings of judaism came from another culture under another name, there would be thousands of books by jewish authors telling us why we need to wage a war on terror against them.
    Comment posted February 11, 2010 @ 2:08 pm

    Grace, the Jewish people have been kicked out of alot of countries throughout history and it’s because of their own subversive activities and behavior towards their host country. They are not the helpless victims you make them out to be. Someone once said that a people who are persecuted throughout the centuries must be doing something wrong. America was blessed long before the state of Israel ever came into being and it is because our founding fathers believed and served the Lord God almighty and accepted Christ as their saviour. Americans are to blame for it’s decline because we have strayed from the word but it is the Jews who are permeating our culture with their corrosive values. They will do anything, including throwing America under the bus to protect their empire and what’s good for the Jews. I am a Christian so I have to wonder whose God is going to punish us? My God, who says that there is no other path to salvation except through Jesus Christ or the Jew’s god? We did worship the same God at one time but since they rejected Christ, who are they worshipping now? People like Bachmann need to focus on Christ not on worshipping Jews and their money.
    Comment posted February 11, 2010 @ 4:05 pm

    Breaking the Jews hold on America is going to be a tough thing to do. More than half the elites in this country are Jewish now and that poses a very unique problem for us. The majority of people who pull the levers of power in the US and steer our culture are aliens who do not represent the historical population. It is a race against the clock with them to marginalize Americans through mass immigration, miscegenation, promoting homosexuality, abortion and brainwashing through their entertainment and media outlets. Then they will be able to consolidate their power as a first step in what I believe is setting up a one world government. Jews are a clever and crafty bunch. I’ve noticed the frame of the argument is if your against Israel you don’t believe in God. I firmly believe in God and his word and that a number of Jews a playing a sinister role in end times prophecies.
    Ian deMontfort
    Comment posted February 12, 2010 @ 3:13 am

    I am not religious. I do not recognize monotheism in any form. What Also, what I do not understand here is, why is it that so many Christians are more aligned to Judaism than they are to Christian teachings. The two are very different. These sad dumbed down types can’t seem to notice the difference between the ‘eye for an eye’ philosophy and the ‘turn the other cheek’ school of thought!’ Christianity is not Judaism. Get it right! By making it so, America is nothing more than an extension of Judaism in its worst forms.

    The fact remains that the very heart of America has been Zionised. Any moron with half a brain could see that. Israel is no friend of America. How could it be. The deliberate attack on USS Liberty would tell you that. The stealing of secrets etc. If America wants to be truly Christian then it must get Judaic beliefs out of its churches and practice the Christian ones, which are opposed to everything Israel does. And before any brainwashed idiot out there dares to accuse me of being anti-semitic, let me add this one last thing.

    The only truly semitic people living in the region now called Israel are the Palestinian People, whose land has been stolen and whose people face extermination on a daily basis. Standing by Israel is a stand for genocide and nothing else. Standing for such a country is anti-Christian and irony of ironies, is anti-Semitic. Understand this and then maybe America can begin to find its true role in the world with its own American voice. At the moment, America’s voice comes with a distinct Israeli accent.
    Comment posted February 12, 2010 @ 8:51 am

    There are those who claim that those who curse Israel will be cursed by God and that Christians must not criticize Israel. This is a false claim. The inheritance promises that God gave to Abraham were made effective through Christ, Abraham’s True Seed. Since Jesus Christ is the Mediator of the Abrahamic Covenant, all who bless him and his people will be blessed of God, and all who curse him and his people will be cursed of God. These promises do not apply to any particular ethnic group but to those who believe in Jesus Christ, the true Israel.

    The danger for U.S. Christians is that having made an icon of Israel, we fall into the trap of condoning whatever Israel does—even wanton murder of civilians as we have witnessed in Gaza—as orchestrated by God. This is blasphemy.

    The present secular state of Israel is not an authentic or prophetic realization of the Messianic kingdom of Jesus Christ. Furthermore, a day should not be anticipated in which Christ’s kingdom will manifest itself in a particular place called Israel. Instead, Christians believe that this present age will come to a climactic conclusion when all eyes, everywhere, will see the King in his glory.

    As Christians, we need to return to the proclamation of the free offer of Christ’s grace in the Gospel to all the children of Abraham, to pray for peace between Israelis and Palestinians, and to provide humanitarian support for those on both sides who are suffering in this current vicious cycle of violence. As Christians, we cannot continue to blindly support the government of the secular state of Israel and its continued military occupation of Palestinian land.
    Comment posted February 12, 2010 @ 1:49 pm

    Amazing! Where is FOX news, Hannity, O’Reilly, etc. and ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN…

    No outrage from them!

    No cover story on the LA Times, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, etc.

    How do we as a country allow this politician to spew this HATE towards others.

    Had she been talking about Catholicism, Buddhism, Islam, etc… or any other religion, it would be EVERYWHERE!

    I am not Jewish I don’t care. We let every other country kill themselves… What is so special about Israel???
    Comment posted February 12, 2010 @ 2:39 pm

    The founders sure were wise to warn us against intangling alliances, too bad we didn’t take their advice.
    Michael R.
    Comment posted February 12, 2010 @ 8:36 pm

    1000 years ago the Crusaders went off to “Liberate the Holy Land”.

    British Colinialism was said to “spread the blessings of Christianity”

    Inslaving Africans in colonial America was “bringing the heathen to Christ”.

    Today the wars in the middle east and the broader “war on terror” will help make Palistine safe for “God’s people Israel”.

    Is there no end to the lies that the Christian Church will believe?
    Comment posted February 13, 2010 @ 11:00 pm

    Jed West, if being a hatemonger means wanting the Jews to get their octopus tentacles off of our government and out of our lives then I’m guilty as charged. I believe every people have to right to exist and to be able to pursue their own destiny. Jews apparently don’t believe in such concepts applying to anyone but themselves. Jews are hypocrites. They wail about holocau$t$ and death by bug spray while committing genocide against the Palestinians.
    Comment posted February 15, 2010 @ 5:02 pm

    Alan, I think you mean pre WWII Germany because the conditions in this country are shockingly similar to the Weimar Republic when the Jews had a stranglehold on the German economy.
    Comment posted March 24, 2010 @ 9:05 am

    Scary, such a stupidity… Religion should dictate our politics? Even God would be against this misuse of his teachings. USA should start to think about Americans, not Jews.

    Source: Andy Birkey of the Minnesota Independent
    Bachmann: America ‘cursed’ by God ‘if we reject Israel’

    Jamie Novogrod of NBC
    'I don't hate Muslims,' Bachmann says repeatedly in Iowa

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