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Oct 2, 2010

Imagine if we did nothing


Bob Unruh
How Liberals and Conservatives use Fear-Mongering to Promote Statism

Viewing America
-- from the liberal side --

"Imagine if we did nothing" about...
  • the minorities
  • the homosexuals, who pretend to be a minority
  • the poor
  • the elderly, especially the poor elderly
  • the single mothers
  • the children
  • the fetuses, children who liberals call fetuses
  • the uninsured
  • the uneducated
  • the unemployed
  • the economy, when it sputtered into recessions and depressions.
  • the bankers, when the economy sputters in recessions and depressions
Imagine if we ran America like we ran it from 1776 to 1913, when the federal government could care less about any of these issues. (Freeing the slaves being the great exception)

Imagine the "liberal nightmare" America had to have been to live in for those first 137 years!

Viewing America
-- from the conservative side --

"Imagine if we did nothing" about...
  • Germany in WW1/WW2 (Are they not a good people?)
  • Japan in WW2 (Are they not a good people?)
  • Korea in the Korean War (Are they not a good people?)
  • Vietnam in the Vietnamese War (ARe they not a good people?)
  • Communism in Asia, South America, or Africa, especially when we totally ignored communism right next door in Cuba
  • Drugs, as in the War on Drugs
  • Terrorism, as in the War on Terrorism
  • and now, the 1,500-year-old Islamic threat (Not-so-good people, with whom we were last worried about around 150-years-ago at Tripoli)
Imagine if we ran America like we ran it from 1776 to 1913, when we never went overseas to fight our wars, and we did not bring their problems into our country, such as letting Muslims and Jews settle in a Christian America by the millions, but instead fought for victory at home against our English rulers of the original 13 States, the Indians of the plains States, the Spanish of Florida, the Mexicans of Texas and California and to further ideals we held at our founding, but did not immediately put into practice, like "all men are created by God with certain inalienable rights", such as -- LIBERTY.

Imagine if we only fought wars in which we actually won the wars, and in the process, actually accomplished something of lasting and worthwhile value, like we used to do.

Imagine if we still had a Department of War, instead of a Department of Defense.

Imagine the "conservative nightmare" America had to have been to live in for those first 137 years!

Viewing America
-- from the people's side --

"Imagine if we had never created"... (Warning: Irony alert)

  • The Department of Agriculture, made cabinet level in 1889...
    • Most Americans would have all been lard-ass fat, with health problems like heart disease and diabetes.
    • Without agricultural subsidies from the federal government, hostess Twinkie would be far cheaper than healthy carrots and cucumbers.
    • Without the oversight of the FDA, we would have drugs with a dozen more side-effects than useful effects.
    • Without regulations on our food, we would have had real lemon juice in our lemonade and fake lemon juice in our cleaning products.
  • The Department of Education, made cabinet level in 1980...
    • Americans would not have been smart enough to have been largely responsible for inventing and/or developing almost all of modern society's conveniences such as the cotton gin, harvester, automobile, airplane, railroad, telephone, radio, television, the air conditioner, the refrigerator, and the washing machine.
    • Without federal oversight, American children would be going to well disciplined schools with real standards.
    • Without federal oversight, American children would be learning Christian moral lessons, instead of more important things like learning about the supremacy of having two mommies.
  • The Department of Energy, made cabinet level in 1977, following the 1970's foreign oil crisis...
    • Americans would not have had a viable nuclear energy supplying almost 100% of our electrical needs, as do the French.
    • Americans would not have developed ethanol for our cars, plowing under millions of additional acres of farmland to grow corn.
    • Americans would not have developed solar and wind energy substitutes that freed us from oil altogether.
    • in fact, Americans would not have found themselves even more dependent upon foreign oil than ever before.
  • The Federal Reserve, created in 1913...
    • Americans were saved from all those Great Depressions that occurred prior to the Federal Reserve.
    • Americans never lost their jobs by the millions, for long periods of times, since the Fed.
    • Americans never lost value in their homes, since the Fed.
    • Americans never lost their life savings in the stock market, since the Fed.
    • Americans never had their banks so mismanaged that half of all of them failed on several occasions, since the Fed.
  • The 17th Amendment, created in 1913...
    • Americans not be able to vote for their own Senators, so as to remove corrupt Senators
    • Americans would still be at the mercy of the corrupt State governments, who appointed their U.S. Senators
    • Americans still be at the mercy of their own corrupt local government, instead of federal politicians from such saintly places like Chicago, New York City and San Francisco.
    • Americans would still have 50 choices of free State governments to live under, instead of one-size-fits-all federal government calling all the shots.

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You can read further at Guide to "Checks and Balances"
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Last Hope for America
Christian Libertarian: Harmonious Union
Church and State

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